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Prosecutor Daniel Evers
I look at the witness lists and the list keeps growing. The victims keep growing along with the victim she is giving birth to. I look at 5his girl and she looks innocent, but I read the things she has done and I know she is very close to being the Devils mistress on earth. This is going to be a long drawn out trial. She definitely is going to be behind bars for a very long time. Her family won't post bail. They do want custody of the baby. We searched several places and found things that implicated the Lincoln's. We had search warrants for so many places and electronics and cars. We got one for the salons and shipping companies they owned in Washington state, but we found out their shipping companies were all over the US.
Leila Williams
My parents made me come forward and I told the cops what happened to me and Howard Johnson joined me in telling what happened to us. I had a rape kit done, and it included Richard Lincoln. Elena was involved in it. I was trying to find out any information I could before mom and dad made me stop hanging out with Mia and they told me it wasn't worth me getting hurt again. I agreed with them finally. Now things are going to be resolved. I have an attorney that is helping me through this. I can file a civil law suit against Richard and Elena Lincoln and the Grey family. Tessa my mom is pretty mad about everything. Donald my dad wants blood for what they did to me and so many more kids and other people. My attorney Dawson Lawson I chuckle at the name, but he is right it isn't a name you will soon forget. One of the problems is that all three have tight alibi's and we need to break those. Samantha has been called to testify along with Anastasia and her parents. Kellen or Ashley Paulson now is very pregnant and has been sympathetic to me about it all. Luckily I didn't get aids or an STD God was looking over me for that and mom and dad have stood by me every step of the way. I told mom and dad that Anastasia and Samantha were the ones behind the list and my volunteering 16 hours to the less fortunate. I have my degree in social services thank to the Steele's and they helped me get on line courses. They even helped me buy my computer and get everything started. Until these three people are put behind bars I am not safe from them and neither is Howard. Attorney Lawson told me they have the video recording of the day Lincoln raped me. They recorded that whole day. With those we have a chance. My testimony was bad, and so was Howard's but the videos were played and they could clearly see what was going on and it was all very clear what was happening. This is just one of the many trials they are going through. All of us witnesses are brought in and eventually we are allowed to wait until we are called again. Mia and the Lincoln's were being tried together for several cases.
Three months later they are found guilty of wrongful imprisonment, rape of both me and Howard. We also won our civil suit against them. The shipyards and salons were sold to pay our us after we won. Mia had very little of her own anything. But they placed a judgement against her trusts once they are given to her. They have to notify our attorney about it and then as soon as it changes hands we get it. There's a long line but we are first because of the date we were harmed our cases had to go first.
I am so glad this is over, then I find out it isn't over for either of us yet. We have to come back for more. The newspaper is eating this up and spearheading it is not Kavanagh Media but Steele Media outlets. They came out of nowhere and built a huge a media machine in less than three years. They have been a huge pain in my butt and assured my divorce from Deanna.
I can't sit here much longer watching my so called friends testify just how bad I am. I am about to give birth when the final witness is brought in and I am glaring at Ethan. Ethan Kavanagh has produced recordings from footage where they inform you that you are being record3d things that you don't really pay attention to at all, then phone messages I sent to the whole group and accidentally sent him the incriminating message about Barbados. I hear the defense rests after the try to tear his testimony apart and can't.
All of us are sentenced to between 30 to 35 years for Leila and Howard, then I get thirty more years for what happened in Barbados. But they also give Elena and Richard life for human trafficking. I see Anastasia and Christian together and it is then I see a wedding ring and an engagement ring on her finger. I am pretty mad and I yell how could you marry her Christian? I then pass out.
The baby is gone when I come to hours later. I ask where my baby is at?
Dr Alvin Morris
Oh unfortunately your baby is going to a nice couple that isn't going to spend the rest of their lives in prison. A good home is what he needed along with his sister. You get around don't you? The fathers of these babies are the same. Too bad you are their mother. By the way you tested positive for aids and several std strains we had to treat you prior to doing the c section because of the diseases you got during sex. Can we get a list of partners if you can tell us their names?
How dare you talk to me like that. Do you know who I am and who my family is?
Dr Morris
Oh  know who and what you are a prisoner who had a wonderful family and some very good friends that you destroyed by your behaviors. Your stitches look okay good luck to you.

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