A Blended Family

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Amber and I decided to make it legal. Amber and Anastasia each have their own little computer sanctuary in our home. It was a quiet church ceremony with only our daughters in attendance. I have to say I was very pleased we thought the same way and the minister married us in his church even though we didn't and still don't attend his church we do send tithes though. Generous ones at that. We sponsor events as well. Plus we hold computer training twice a year. Samantha and Anastasia will be spearheading that. They were going to do one a year but it filled up so quickly that minister Barnes came and hat in hand asked for another date. The girls agreed to it. It is a two week training course.
I invited Anastasia to my birthday as a gesture for my mother. She really did fit in and stayed quietly in her seat until she needed to go to the restroom. I noticed her being followed to the restroom by someone who looked like a female security person. I queried mom about it and she said that Anastasia's father was very protective of her. Something tells me that there is more to the story. Lily invaded my thoughts by asking me who the brunette with blue eyes was? I told her that mom had invited her thinking it would be healthy for her to be around people our age. Before Anastasia got back everyone of my friends heard various versions of my story to Lily. She had spread it to all my friends. Before Anastasia could sit down a lot if snickering and looking at her took place. She excused herself and left without saying a word. What I didn't know then was one of my friends found out that she was a rape victim and had made some awful comments that Anastasia had heard and chose to leave rather than put my friend in her place. She chose to be the bigger woman and walked away. Leila Williams and Kate Kavanagh were the two who were discussing it. Mom noticed everything and was very angry at the group and Leila Williams and Kate Kavanagh.
I couldn't stay after I got back and heard the comments about me being a rape victim and the group was actually snickering about it. I got my things and left without saying a word. I never fit in with this group and I now know why. I am not an insensitive vain female who demeans others and I refuse to waste my time with anyone who is that way. Carol Ford my CPO said I did the right thing by leaving without saying by or why.
Grace Grey
Carrick, Elliott and Christian all watched the girls and saw what they did to Anastasia. Rather than say a word she just got her thins and left after coming back from the restroom. I heard the comments being made about Anastasia and I was pretty angry at the comments made by all of them starting from Mia and then the snickering and finally Leila Williams and Kate Kavanagh talking about Anastasia being a rape victim and the guys are behind bars for life. They were saying who would rape her without putting a bag over her head first. I think both are jealous petty females.
I think Mia could have benefitted from a friend like Anastasia, I saw what happened and I am quite disappointed in Mia and her catty friends. I think Mia owes Anastasia an apology along with her friends but I am not going to be able to assure they give it or even mean it so it is pointless to even ask it of them. But I am sure they won't be happy when they find out she and her step sister control who gets into the computer training class and who doesn't. The very one they are all interested in getting into. Grace laughs with me and the girls look at us as do Christian and Elliott. They ask me why I am laughing and I explain they just lost someone that could have been a valuable friend to have since she and her sister are the ones picking the groups for the free advanced computer training. They get to choose who gets into the class and who doesn't. They stop laughing and realize their screwed.
I think it is funny that they just got a reality check about why you don't treat people horribly.Because you never know who holds your fate in their hands in the next moment. Play the game but play it nicely. You don't have to stay around people who treat you badly and Anastasia chose not to stay around Mia and her friends.
I am not impressed with any of these girls behavior at all. But they are just high school girls who haven't experienced the hardships that others have. You can see it in Anastasia's eyes and her quiet temerity. By leaving without warning she proved herself to be her own person. There are moments when leaving us the best thing to do. This was one of the times.
Mom and dad never said a word but I know they were very disappointed in me and my friends. The party was fun and we moved on from talking about Anastasia. We were all discussing college courses and someone brought the advanced computer training courses being offered by the church every six months. I had put my name on the list and so had most of us. It is a free two week course to get us ready for college. There are only so many people they can train.
I signed up for the training as well, but something keeps nagging at me and I just can't put my finger on it. My name is on the list as well.
I lean over and I tell Kate that we just screwed up royally because Anastasia Steele the girl we just dogged out is one of the two trainers in the class. Surely she won't hold it against us.

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