A New Day

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We have all our things in the house, dad and I are outfitting the place with all the latest security thingamajigs. We have set things up perfectly and I know the angles and how they work to get the best pictures. Dad has me working for him until my classes start. I am his HR person his assistant, his secretary, you name it I am it until I go to college and then I get to finally relax. He has me seeing dr Flynn for PTSD after I started having nightmares after the trial started. Seeing the two of them sitting there blowing kisses and mocking me is one of the reasons they got more time. They were trying to rattle me instead they proved to the judge and jury they had no respect for me, their other victims, the judge, the jury and the whole judicial system.
Anastasia has been doing way too much but I think it is so she doesn't think of everything she has been through. I got a dr Flynn for her to go see for her PTSD. We met on the first session and he seems like a good guy and I am hoping it will help her. Anastasia is turning 18 soon and she needs a new car. The one the boys crashed into was totaled by them. I filed a law suit for damages to the property. Anastasia filed a civil suit against the boys and their fathers and then one against the Montesano law enforcement departments. We are going to win the suits.
Dr Grey
I checked Anastasia over and she is doing good the aids test came back negative. No STDs at all. Maybe the boys were just having sex with virgins. I was thrilled to see they are never getting out of jail. Sad that they wasted their lives doing such evil things to others.
Dr Flynn
This young has been through hell and back. She was raised by nearly no one after her father went to assignment after assignment. Pretty much left to her own devices. Her dad made sure that she had everything she needed to survive, except him, his time, his attention and his love and affection in person. For her to be closed off from everyone is normal and she does emanate a certain closed off personality. I believe it is a self protection type of shield she puts in place. I also see that frightened young child defending herself against her mother and her mother's male friends. There is no doubt in my mind that underneath this hard exterior is a very loving and giving heart full of warmth and tenderness. It would an extraordinary person to get the attentions of this young woman. She has given me permission to speak with her father about her therapy sessions. She is determined to make the guys pay for harming her. They definitely won't be getting out of jail along with others who obstructed justice to the point they hid evidence and or intimidated the victims to the point that they thought they were at the mercy of these boys that continued raping them after the initial rape. Because of who the boys were people put their heads in the sand, paid them off, hid or lost evidence to assure the boys served no time. They chose the wrong person to try to victimize. She is no victim she is a survivor who won't stop fighting to get justice for not just her but for all their victims if she could. The girl will be a formidable force out in the world but still be that small child who needs and wants to be protected by her loved ones. I doubt that will ever change. I think we can get her to some kind of acceptance of balance between who she really is underneath and who she presents herself to be.
Anastasia and I go to our new home and we cook a meal together. I now know that she was behind getting the divorce pushed through giving Carla absolutely nothing at all including her being dragged to Texas after she basically abandoned her. I was too busy with assignments I failed to realize that no one was here with her to watch over her and hug her and see she was taken to get medical treatment. It was when I heard she was in the birth control shot that I had no idea she had been to doctors and she had no one to see her accomplishments in school. I might as well had abandoned her myself. I hug her and kiss her head and apologize for not being here for her the way she really needed me to be. Money and making sure all the bills and other things were paid is just never enough.
Dad hugs me and kisses my head like he always does when he feels he let me down. He was just not aware of the circumstances and I failed to tell him about them. I have no doubt he feels guilty about my being alone all that time. We complete cooking our meal and we go out and watch the sun setting in the water. The boats are tied to our dock and welcoming us to come aboard. We enjoy the solitude until dad asks me if we are okay now. I tell him we were always okay, but we will now be father and daughter in a better sense. You arrived when I needed you the most, too late, but arrived to pick up the pieces of me that were left after they broke me apart. They intended to kill me and leave me in the house dead. But I screwed up their plans completely because I am alive and the police got to me and so did you and the lifeline helicopter and all the doctors that put me back together. Missing a few parts and missing things that they took from me.

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