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I try to open my eyes but it hurts too much. I try to move but I hear a familiar voice tell me to stay still because I could pull my stitches out again. I try to talk but it hurts. I hear my daddy's voice I cry and he takes my hand.
Its me princess. I am so sorry I wasn't there to keep you safe. We are going to get you well and put those boys behind bars. Her eyes finally open just tiny orbs of blue between the swelling and the black and blue marks around them. She is black and blue from head to toe. She did a number in them until the used that syringe on her.
Dr Grey
I walk in and see Anastasia's eyes open through all the swelling and black and blue marks. I tell her who I am and explain what we have done for her medically. Then I ask if she needs anything like water, something to eat like jello or soup. I have the orderly bring water and soup and jello and ask mr Steele if he needs anything to eat as well.
Mr Steele
My staff has brought me food already. She examines Anastasia and  checks her stitches and her throat. She orders more medications for her now that she is awake. Someone knocks at the door and my security tells dr Grey her son Christian is here to chat with her about something. He peeks around my security and I recognize the boy wonder right away. A 22 year old on his way to being one of the youngest billionaires in the world. He apologizes and sees Anastasia and just stares at her face. Finally he says I hope you get well soon and whoever did this to you pays dearly for hurting that beautiful face of yours. Mom please a moment. Oh I am Christian Grey and my mom is an excellent doctor. He leaves and dr Grey says sorry about him he is a very impatient man. She walks out into the hall.
Very beautiful girl, now I need ideas for Mia's birthday party. Any suggestions at all? She insisted that I don't pass the buck on her 18th birthday bash.
Dr Grey this could have waited until dinner on Sunday you know.
I won't get back until the day of her birthday party, so I need to get my act together for it. I hate it when she wants me to be hands on when she knows how busy I am. She gives me two suggestions and I hug and kiss her cheek and thank her and leave. The man knew who I was but the girl had no idea who I was at all. Hey Jason do you know who Ray Steele is? He looks familiar to me.
Jason Taylor
Yes I do sir, I am surprised he hasn't called a few people in to assure these people haven't paid the price of what they have done to his dagger code name the little princess. His one and only daughter. There are rumors that he made sure his ex wife and that scum she married were no longer able to hurt young girls. But it was also Texas who take kids safety to heart and handle things the good olde fashioned way and eliminate the problem with led. No trials for them.
So her mother pretty much made the wrong move and her and the stepfather met their maker by following their heart and their hearts were out to rest because they chose to hurt another child. Mr Steele won't kill these boys will he?
No sir, but they will wish they were dead by the time he is done with them. An eye for an eye and then some for the Steele family. The Lewis boy and the Gordon boy messed with the wrong girl this time. No payoffs and no behind the door deals either. Mr Steele has a reputation and the Steele family has the resources to back up every move he makes toward those boys. A steam roller would do less damage than mr Steele.
Remind not to cross him then.
Oh we don't even play in the same park as he does so we are safe from his ire.
Let's get this party set up for the Grey princess lol
Yes sir and Gail is looking forward to helping create the party along side you and Elliott.
Oh damn I forgot to ask him about it. Give the big galoot a call and instruct him to bring his best party planning ideas with him.
I will and of course we need to stock food for his visit.
That too. Glad I don't feed him regularly because his food bill has to be astronomical.
I think between you, your parents and his long line of girlfriends he probably is well fed on others dimes lol.
No doubt

Anastasia has been asleep for a while after she was finally able to give her statement and sign the papers to file charges against both boys. The videos showing them casing our home and the gates when Anastasia was at school, was bad, but them trying to break into the place without any luck was another issue, then trying unsuccessfully to get in behind her the first time and she had 911 on the lines they left before the cops arrived. But the second time they came up behind her in such velocity it threw her off balance and shoved her forward and damaged both cara along with the gate and they used the moment to break her windows and drag her out hoping to get her to open the doors to our home when she refused they proceeded to rape her in the open. Her setting them at the precise location where they could get it all recorded on video. She must have worked hard to get those set up just the right way. They rotated.and had motion sensors as well. The prosecutor called me concerning Anastasia's case and he said they lost the footage. Do worry we have plenty of copies and I recommend that you don't lose it again. I sent it to the guys boss and informed him that the prosecutor not only lost one file he lost a lot of files against the Gordon boy and the Lewis boy. But the newspapers in Seattle won't lose the videos. If you don't arrest them right now I will have investigators going through all your files and have everyone of the victims of this duo come forward and stand with us against all of Montesano's government practices in law enforcement.

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