Unplanned And Unexpected

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I can't stop for long because we have new arrivals for our family. It has been a year since we got Lil bit. I am in a lot of pain and it keeps shooting around my back. We are going to complete the papers to adopt three children. Christopher and Lil bit can't wait. A set of fraternal triplets one girl Daisy Lynn, Carson Samuel and Alexander Adam Howard become Greys today. Their parents were murdered and they need a very secure environment and that is definitely us. They needed it immediately so we went and picked them up at a safe location with several vehicles scrambling to ensure that no one knows they are are leaving the place they were bing hidden at. They are one year olds and very affectionate.
We are ready for the three of them and we get them home quickly. The family are waiting for us but we just make it inside the house when Anastasia runs to the rest room and we hear screams coming from her and Mom and I run to get to her and she is holding a baby in her hands and I call 911 as mom cleans the baby up and checks Anastasia over. She unfortunately didn't bring her doctors bag. But she has someone get her things she will need. She was not seen by a doctor about this pregnancy. I am a father of six now. The baby is breathing fine, but Anastasia is unconscious and that's a bad sign.
We are getting her to the hospital quickly. The EMT's get to Anastasia quickly and they check her over and I ride with her as Christian heads out with Lil bit crying behind us and Christopher holding her in his arms. The nannies are trying to console her but she won't let go of Christopher. I hope Anastasia is okay, because poor Lil bit lost one mother and saw it, she might not survive another mother dying in front of her.
I hurt so bad that I ran to the restroom and I know what this is but suddenly I feel a gush between my legs and something else. The pain hits so hard I screamed out so loud and it stopped and I see a tiny head and arms and then she slides out after her head and shoulders slip out. The door opens and Christian and Grace are looking down at me holding the baby in my arms covered in blood and amniotic fluids. Grace takes the baby and I feel drowsy. I feel someone moving me and cleaning me up and putting something on me.that's the last thing I recall.

I had a dream I had a baby girl. I don't feel like I had a baby. Christian is holding something and smiling at me.
Welcome back your daughter needs a name, when it rains it pours four at once. One very unexpected and healthy as she can be. I should have realized you were pregnant since you were very sensitive in certain areas. I think you know where I am talking about. Now about that name. We decide to name her Renee Grace Grey. I am shocked to hear that Kate is pregnant. Samantha and Barney have adopted two of his cousins children Wilson David Miller 2 and Heather Ann Miller 6. There will be a lot children playing at the Grey, Steele, Miller, Paulson and Kavanagh Family get together.
Jack Hyde
I married Christina mom really likes her and we moved into a nice home that is a double. Mom, Mack and Tack are in one and Christina is in the other side.
I can't believe I married Jack and he showed me he could change his attitude about women in the work place, well he changed and the best was if he would change I would marry him. I thought it was a safe bet I could win. It took him over a year and he proved he could change and we fell in love in the mean time. All of them are now being trained on other types of work at Grey Construction.
The baby was born a week late and It was a boy. I named him after Scott I found out there were life insurance policies on my parents. a million dollars each and I am their only living relative. I dr idea it in two putting half in a trust for our children.
Tack and I are going on a blind date mom set us up on. We were shocked to see identical twin sisters Ella and Stella Carter.
I liked Stella and Mack liked Ella. Mom chose well because six months later we are married to them. Stella had her own home and Ella own3d her own penthouse. Mom finally started bringing dates to the house for dinner.
I still can't believe Elliott sent the triplets in to get an interview with me. They wore the same clothing and shoes. They drew a lot of attention right away. Gwen came to lunch and just laughed and we agreed it was an Elliott plot.
When I saw the triplets talking together I knew Elliott had set this in motion. Roz and decided to adopt and we sign all the documents. Soon we have been asked how would we like to adopt stair step children from an unwed mother. She couldn't keep them after losing her job. So she chose to give them up and we were called and we immediately said yes to adopting them. Chase a boy  is 4, Devlin is 3 a girl and last but not least Connecticut is 2 a girl we changed her name to Annabelle.apparently she had been born in Connecticut. The names people choose to name children.
I was told that it can happen to anyone being pregnant and not knowing you are. The only sign was my breast were tender, but as much as Christian loves them and loves on them during sex I thought it was because of that that they were tender.
I could freak out at this point but I think it is because I love the two we have and my love for our four new children will not waver. I will adjust to hugging more children protecting more children and kissing booboos and playing games. Teaching more children how to do things.

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