Christina Lincoln

43 1 14

I was given clothing to wear when I was discharged from the hospital. I now have a caseworker, a pro bono attorney and a bed in a halfway house for special circumstances. They need my help to get more information. I think this is a safe house and I am taken back and forth and guarded. I look younger than I truly am but until they have my birth certificate and passport they have to treat me like a minor.
Richard Lincoln
The only reason I am not dead yet is because I have full blown aids and they keep me isolated from the other prisoners. Well the ones who don't have aids that is. I heard that Elena was attacked and killed last week. But who knows. I can't access my accounts at this point and the cash pickups are still going on but they aren't being deposited. Someone is getting the money. My calls aren't being accepted. My attorney is not working on this issue because he is worried he is being followed. I am certain he is. He wants his freedom and to keep his license and what I wants is illegal. I am forgetting about a few things though, my mind isn't too clear and I am getting sicker.

I really didn't see it coming the blow that took my life. But I see something my poor mother warned me about when I stabbed her when she tried to stop me from selling her first grandchild. She warned me that my hell would be filled with tortured cries from suffering babies who are still fighting for their lives. She was right about that. I can't stop the crying or the screaming sounds and my head is splitting open. But I wasn't warned that for every punishment I dished out I get regularly including being stabbed constantly. I recognize some of my fellow sadists amongst my punishers. Before my eyes closed for the final time my mom and dad appeared from a bright light and told me I threw away the love they gave me for hell. They disappeared after that. Welcome to hell. The party is for you. I can't see who was saying it but it was a familiar voice. After that the screaming from the babies started along with the constant crying. Then the punishments and stabbing. It never ends.

Someone put me out of my misery, I thanked them as I stopped breathing. My peace didn't last long as I felt the claws of women scratching every inch of my body leaving open gashes that blood keeps spewing out but I never stop hurting and the pain never stops and I am missing my favorite part. I can't shake this feeling and I am suddenly hanging up and I feel an intrusion in every orifice I have a hot poker everywhere andI smell skin burning and it's mine.

The one thing I was lucky about was I didn't catch anything from Richard Lincoln. Howard however was not so lucky, but the way he got around I was surprised. I read where Mia died after complications giving birth to twins who her parents are now raising. She had aids and so did Howard. His wife stopped having sex with him after he cheated the first time. She was stupid to marry him but smart not to chance getting anything. She got rid of him and he was left penniless. I am very particular about my friends at this point. Mom and dad are making sure I meet the right people now. Everyone thought Mia was that good person because her brothers and her parents were good people. I am not sure if I will be welcomed after everything. Because Mia a lot of us are considered piraya and they avoid us now. We have had discussions about my really doing something charitable and I think I will do that. My degree is not being put to good use at this point. I reached out to Grace Grey and asked if we could meet and she agreed to meet me.
Leila was caught up in everything and I felt I needed to talk things over with her. She has suffered because of Mia and when she asked about giving back and her field that she studied for I thought of a few charities that could use a child care professional that is going to get her teaching certificate. So I gave her several agencies and hugged her and wished her luck. I told her to check in with me and she is welcome to see the twins Mia gave birth to. She liked the idea and we went our separate ways, missing Mia, the good Mia when she wasn't doing awful things.
Leila reached out to Grace and wants to help out less fortunate people. She is getting her teaching certificate, she wants to teach young children and babies. She gave her names, places and numbers to call regarding her interests. She was a victim of Mia, but she has never thought it was her upbringing because of how Christian and Elliott turned out.
I look through the outfits brought by to choose for job interviews. I was able to get my birth certificate, passport and drivers license replaced as well. They give me a list of various jobs and job training places and where to sign up for those. I am first up and I try to get food quickly and eat it before someone tries to grab it from me. I am one of the smaller people here so the bigger ones try to get my food from me. A couple of the servers slip me an apple or an orange on occasion. I go get on the job training list. Then I go apply at GEH which is recommended to us. I apply to others on the list and head to the halfway house to get food. I just got there for a sandwich and soup. I brush my teeth and head back out and apply for more jobs. When I arrive back there were messages to call and set up interviews. So I did. GEH, Steele Media, Kavanagh Media, Grey Construction and the Steele Securities.
Three days later Steele Securities and Steele Media both offered me an entry level job. I chose to take both jobs because the hours were two hours apart. Ray and Amber Steele showed me where I would live and train with them and I could get a ride in with Samantha Miller to Steele  Media. My job was to monitor activity on the cctv cameras at night at Steele Securities. The Steele Media I was in the mail room and I had to use rubber gloves and X-ray the mail and packages that came into the place. I was lucky to get in immediately and we got fed as well and had uniforms. I was taken to get my little bit of possessions and I was fed very well and took on a tour and showed me my room and introduced.

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