Change Of Venue

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I had a hand in getting the change in venue to Seattle. It worked very well when I proved malfeasance on the part if the prosecutors office in Montesano. We got a lot of press on that which brought out young ladies that were intimidated into not following through on testifying against both the Gordon and the Lewis boy. Because they dropped the charges they were victims on a regular basis by these monsters. So much so they thought they could touch my daughter and thought she would also roll over and keep being their victim. They had no idea that they would get caught over and over again in their activities to get what they finally got from and that was her virginity. It was like a game to them to violate virgins. Well it isn't a game to the virgins or the family of the virgins. That's not going to hold up with me. I will assure these boys don't procreate. Which I asked dr Grey if Anastasia was given the morning after pill?
Dr Grey
I will check, but they usually give it to them if they want it, but because your daughter was in such bad shape we couldn't give her any oral medications. The morning after pill can be given but it might not be effective at this  point. Oh by the 2ay it was a smart move to assure the rape kit stay here at 5he hospital under guard. Someone tried to get it out of the lab.
I figured they would try that. A friend of mine has been watching the boys families and they informed me that it might be beneficial to make sure we hid the rape kit from the Montesano prosecutors office. Video files I sent them disappeared and they hoped that we didn't have back up they went so far as to turn off the electricity at our home. They didn't expect guards to be there when they tried that nonsense. They even had hackers trying to break into our computer systems. They really have no idea who they are dealing with. So when can you run blood work to check if she is pregnant or not?
Dr Grey
The blood test can detect as early as a week, but you would probably want to talk to the GYN regarding that. We can have them test her if you wish.
I know she doesn't believe in abortion, but in this situation I think it would be best she not have a reminder of the rapes by children who she will see daily. But the choice is hers not mine. I might not like the idea but I will not hold it against an innocent baby who was a victim of his or her father as well.
Dr Grey
Adoption is another way to go as well. We can check things out and see if she is pregnant and give her all her options and let her choose what she wants.he agrees.
I contacted her teachers and asked for her school work. She had already graduated from high school, she tested out and is enrolled here in Seattle. I didn't want to tell Dr Grey that I think my daughter forged my signature a lot. I can't fault her about that since she had been all alone in the house for seven years. We contacted each other often and she never mentioned anything to me. She was just happy to hear my voice and that I loved her and missed her very much.
I am worried about my college courses and the other things I have planned. Now I have to get out of this hospital. I can be thankful one thing I started getting the birth control shot and I had actually just came from the doctors office after getting it. I got my first one after having issues with my cycles that they thought the birth control shot could help with it. It did and I was healthier. Now I need to let dad know about it. I drove to another town to get it because the rumor mill runs rampant in Montesano. I still ask for the blood test to ensure I am not pregnant. The next day it was in writing that I am not pregnant. Thank God for that. Now the aids testing. They have me on all kinds of things for STDs and I am on antibiotics. Dad bought a house in Seattle since we are going to live now. He has rented out our home in Montesano to another wealthy family and he warned them about the boys in town. Especially to be careful of the Lewis and Gordon boys.
With the change of venue and the prosecuting attorney and a few of the law enforcement people being terminated for losing files and trying to steal evidence from the rape kits. They are all charged with various crimes including intimidation of the victims and witnesses. Anastasia's videotape had them dead to rights and the rape kit was the nail in their coffins. Both fathers of the boys tried to get Anastasia alone so they could try to bully her into dropping all the charges. She told them that she has video of them and Carla in my bedroom having sex. She said she knew they were up to no good so she recording everything going on with any men that was alone with her mother in my bedroom. She told me she wanted Carla gone. She was keeping the house running not Carla. She actually worked at seven to earn money so she could eat.
I told daddy everything and he told me that he is going to stay around for a while. He can retire, he knows a job that is available in Seattle. So we are moving into a house on the sound where he can dock our boat. He wants to go shooting again. My self defense classes will need to be put on hold too. Six other girls came forward to testify against boy the boys and their rape kits were still intact. One of the evidence locker attendants was raped by Snyder Lewis Sr and she wasn't going to allow his scumbag son and his friend do the same thing to girls and try to scare them off like Snyder Sr did to her. They are behind bars for life Snyder Sr and jr are bunk mates. The prosecuting attorney got twenty years, the law enforcement people who tried to prevent 5he cases going to trial are serving time as well. Montesano needs some new employees in the government now.

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