Samantha Wields Her Pen

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Anastasia handed me over the power to make Mia and her friends pay a penalty for what they did to her at Mia's party and the sandwich shop. So I chose a philanthropic job for all of them and give them six moths to complete it in. They must have it signed by the facilitator of the place along with photos to price they were there and each will call me and give me a report on how they are doing and they had better be doing great. Mom and dad helped me with this and Anastasia stayed out of it again allowing me to choose yet again. I like the power but I like that these girls are going to find it hard to say they are being picked on by me choosing charitable acts they can perform to make up for being so unfeeling towards Anastasia to begin with.
I had no idea Mia Grey had been cruel to Anastasia at her birthday party and then all her friends as well. Then I find out about them throwing a temper tantrum over not being chosen to be trainees for the free advanced computer training courses. I also know that they are being given philanthropic jobs to accomplish and if they don't Samantha will assure their lives become miserable. They either do good for other or they pay another price and their parents and family handle them.
I think I am going to enjoy seeing those spoiled brats working in homeless shelters and women's centers for rape victims and many other victims that need help with various things. They can only donate time and they have to have proof and they have to do six months at least with sixteen hours a week. Grace called me and we got together for lunch and Amber and Anastasia were invited as well. Grace gave them a list of the most disparate places who could use Mia and her brat patrols services. Ray wasn't happy about Anastasia being hurt once again by Mia and her band of wicked witches, but he liked how our daughter's handled them.
We should have lunch again and see how the assignments are going. I love this way of getting even with them. They can't really complain without having to explain why they are doing it and then they will look bad for not doing it as well. It is diabolical and charitable at the same time. A yin yang type of revenge. Carrick thinks it is like what they do with community service but with training the girls to stop being mean to others. I am embarrassed about how they treated Anastasia at Mia's birthday party and the sandwich shop. I saw her version of what happened and I didn't like it at all. I told her to take her medicine like a grown up. Christian really had a cow about her telling anyone he would crush you and your family. So he took her credit cards away from her for good. She has to work for extra money now. But she also has to do the sixteen hours as well. Kate Kavanagh really got reamed by her father when he started reading what she was trying to put in the front pages about Anastasia's rape. Then Leila Williams parents have forbade her from being around Mia and her friends and she is on house arrest unless she does the sixteen hours of charity work. She had to sign an NDA that states she can't talk or communicate in anyway or to anyone about anything to do with you or your family. I tell you that the whole group are clearly shaken by what Anastasia said at the sandwich shop. The one I really don't think will follow what they have to is Gia Matteo. She is seeing Elliott, well she is sleeping with him. I don't trust her around me or anyone else. She is hanging around Mia for three things Carrick, Elliott and Christian. Lily Johnson is trying to get Elliott or Christian. Kate is also hanging around to just for Elliott and Christian. She also tried to write a story on us and her dad stopped it. She had to sign an NDA to be in anyone of our company. She can't say a thing about what goes on when she sees or hears it when Mia is present. So both times you have been in Mia's presence she can't say or write any stories regarding either of them.
That's good to know. She has no idea the can of worms she would open up. Dad would be hunting her down and revealing her secrets. I don't think she could handle that. She seems like a delicate flower to me, she might dish it out but she can't take the heat. I wish I had never went to the birthday party and I am sure they all had wished I hadn't as well.
That birthday party made the internet and so did the horrible things they said about Anastasia. I got it taken down and prevented it from going back up. Whoever posted it was not that hard to find. I shadowed them until they stopped and then turned the tables on them by posting something they didn't want to get out.
Christian has someone like you working for him. He is like seventeen now and was 14 when he was hired. Christian found him at a tech convention. I bet you two might know each other.
We don't exchange real names to each other so I don't know if I have met him. The work we do I need to remain  anonymous to everyone. We might do the same things but we don't need to meet each other under our computer names. I have multiple emails and accounts that I work under. Only a few know them at all. We have to keep it that way to do the work we do.

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