An Eventful Vacation

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Everyone finally had a great time and I got a new security team to join us as the original three are still in the hospital. I flew their family down here and put them in the security house. I told them to move to the house after we leave and let me know when they get out of the hospital.  We made the rest of the vacation count and this time we had six security on my girls. Both were still in pain after fighting off the six huge men. I would loved to have a video of those little girls handling the six big men. They definitely work well together. I guess Anastasia finally told Samantha about what happened in Montesano. I still own the place I have a friend that swings by to assure the home is still in good shape.
We finally rest and have fun. The girls decide to stay close to home and enjoy the sunshine along with the stars. They read up on the latest tech and they want to go to a convention while they are out of school. I don't want them going to those things. The next one is in Las Vegas. Ray is going and wants to take me along as well. So I give in and we are going to Las Vegas after this. We go straight from here to there a suite awaits us. He had already arranged this trip including the Las Vegas trip.
We are driving down the strip to our hotel, they gave us a bungalow it is amazing but we go back our after we unpack and change. Amber is relaxing while Dad, Samantha and me head out to find what is new in high tech. We have our bags full if various gifts and numbers to contact to order what we might need soon.,we watch the demos and talk to people pushing the things they really need to sell soon. The harder they try to sell the more we stay away. Some things just sold itself in the demo videos.
I meet Barney Miller finally. His mom and dad are here with him. GEH is his employer and we have been chatting under six different screen names. We have a lot in common and he asks for my phone number after dad and Anastasia go to get us all food. We sit and eat and Barney and his parents join us. We are both sixteen years old now. Both of us have been working regular jobs since we got our workers permits.
How is it working at GEH?
It's fun and I get the latest before it goes out to the public. Companies are always wanting GEH's business so they courier their latest right off the assembly line. We chat while mom and dad talk to mr Steele. They make plans for dinner after the first day comes to a close and will open tomorrow.
Ray invited the Millers over to our bungalow to eat dinner. It turns out they are in the next bungalow thanks to Christian Grey. Ray gets a bit antsy at the mention of the Grey name. Shannon is pleasant and unassuming but I think she is just overwhelmed by. Barney gets a call and has to go back to their bungalow to do something urgent for Christian Grey. He nearly runs out reading his phone as he heads out and he thanked us for having him as he gets the room key so he can get into the bungalow.
He gets called a lot and it us usually very urgent and we just deal with it. After all he has already graduated college and is working on his second and third degree at this point.
He inherited his mother's IQ is all  can say. The first thing that he showed interest in was an electronic device and he went from there. He built his first device when he was three years old. We encouraged him to follow his dream. We hope to see you all again. Maybe Shannon can go shopping with you Amber  while Ray takes the girls with me and Barney so we can look at a lot more things while our wives enjoy a spa or just relaxing by the pool.
Amber is a bit standoffish so I tone it down. I invite her to lunch and she joins me and we finally get past the uncomfortable hurdle after she starts talking about Mia and her group of friends. I tell her we met Mia and her little club of horrors. She would try to use Barney when he started working for Christian. She would flutter her eyes at him and it failed to work in him and she ran to Christian and he told her to leave Barney alone from then on. Barney signed a contract and part of it meant he only followed what Christian told him to only do as he, Roz, Welch and Taylor to ask him to do. Mia was no longer allowed to bother the IT department.
That's good to know. Samantha and Anastasia are good but I heard Barney is better. Much better than they are. I know Anastasia has patents out and her and Samantha are working on more of the same kind but improving the response times with each step.
We had one patent attorney try to get power of attorney over Barney so he could sell the inventory we had manufactured on his own. Barney told him that he hired his own attorney and he called the attorney and lied saying that he had contracts he forged our names and Barney's name in the signature line. Barney signs all over the signature areas.
Anastasia had an attorney that took fifty percent of the profits because he knew she had no other option.  But she refused to sign it giving him a lifetime contract. She told him it had to end 12:00:01 on her 18th birthday. It did and the attorney tried to bully her back into the contract it didn't work because Ray was back and security threw him out of the Mile High Club. We finally started having fun at this very boring tech convention.

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