A VeryGood Christmas Party

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I could now relax and enjoy the party. I thank Barney for all his help and mom and dad for setting it all up. Mia's friends are at sea without a captain at this point. Lily Johnson went up and slapped Mia senseless before security caught her fist before it hit Mia's nose. Deanna and Lily left, but not before having a word with dad. He handed her something and she handed him an envelope.
I killed a lot of birds tonight Anastasia and I owe it all to you. This has a check for you, Barney and Samantha. I took mine out and gave it to Ashley for her twins futures. She has never asked him for a thing for them, she deserves this.
What we didn't know that dad did, is our gifts were going directly to Ashley and her sons. He arranged it all. It will be anonymous though. She is getting married to Scott Paulson who she met on the first dad at the unwed mothers facility. Mom told me that they will always be there for us no matter what happens to us. She hugs me then Samantha and then Barney. Barney and Samantha are dating now and he is family.
I ask mr Steele if I can ask Anastasia to dance and he tells me that it is up to her, but keep Mia away from her. I kind of am confused and I tell him I will do that. I ask Anastasia for a dance and she agrees to dance with me. I tell her that I asked Barney to invite her whole family when I found out he was dating her sister. I start dancing with her and it feels like that first day again when I saw her eyes peeking through her swollen lids the blue eyes even then mesmerized me. We talk and laugh at different things and I keep dancing with her and we apparently have a lot of attention. So we go to my table and I have the Steele's join us since Mia has left and the friends of Mia's left as well. I don't even ask about that as I notice Elliott trying to get Kate up in his web of charm, Good luck with that, they both are one nighters. Anastasia looks at me and I explain to her they like to do one night stands. Both of them do.
My dad and mom with Samantha and Barney join us. Christian asks Barney how was the test run on the newest device go? I look at them and he tells Christian it went perfectly, but I don't think you want to see who was recorded and what they did and who they did it with. He asks me to give him the brooch and I hand it to him.
The lens is the best available and the circuitry is as well. The software is something that we need to tweak so it works with all file types.
How many have you produced so far?
Ten so far and they are being tested now. We have placed them in the party and they are recording as we speak. They have ten hour battery charge before they need plugged back in and a built in memory. We still need to check on the cooling of it though. Anastasia is trying to figure that out now.
She has placed vents in the outer edges of it. He takes the camera out of the brooch attachment and hands it to Christian. He asks my dad if he is part of the deal or is it just me, Anastasia and Barney running this show?
Oh no this is their deal. I am only the Guinea pig along with my wife. Show him yours. She takes the necklace off and slips the camera out and it is very tiny it looks like a black diamond. We have tested it before but tonight it was to test each of the different models. I hand him the ones on Barney and me and he looks stunned.
You recorded me all that time?
I can stop and start the camera when needed. I pull what looks like an ink pen out of my pocket.
I want to chat with you three if it is okay with your mom and dad Samantha? Anastasia is is of age but I think your parents can give some input into it if you want them there?
I think they could bring a certain amount of input that will be valuable in the long run. So yes I want them both there.
Okay can we gather up the other devices please?
Barney and Ray go to the security teams and get the devices and the pens that link to them and bring them back. No one detected them at all but we didn't think to scan people for things like this. I ask to see some footage and they play it from Barney's phone. I watch as even in the dimly lit areas it adjust to get a very good video of Elliott asking Kate to come back to his apartment for the night. She whispers something that we all hear her tell him he better have condoms this time. We all laugh, but I ask how far away was that and Anastasia says the table next to them. I ask them to meet me in person two days from now in my office at 9 am. I ask Anastasia to dance with me and she does.
I ask him about how he became a billionaire and all the attention he gets and does it bother him?
Well I worked hard and found that the harder I worked the more I made along with knowing what and how I could get an in to get the companies I bought. I tell her that I was fortunate to buy the Lewis company and she stiffens up. I also tell her mrs Devlin is a dear friend of my mother's and was no aware mom was treating you. I just happened to find out about you the day you finally opened your eyes. I snooped sorry about that. I have been hoping to meet you but circumstances stopped our meeting. I believe Mia was behind a lot of it. I am glad you finally came tonight. My security teams have tried to keep up with Mia but her entourage somehow helped her escape them and I heard about the party. I am pretty mad at her and she is very angry because I won't give her any more money or allow her use of my jet. The jet had to be grounded after her and her drunken bimbos invited guys to Barbados. They apparently followed you down there. I found out quite a bit about what happened and my sister should be behind bars after that trip. I don't have the evidence but I can tell you that Mia and her friends set you and Kate up. I just can't get the guys to give her up. She knows that I am digging and eventually I will find out the truth. Kate's family go there every year so Mia found out somehow you were going there as well. So her and her slut patrol used my jet to go and make sure you didn't make it back. Again I can't prove any of it. I only have hearsay now. I have coverts assuring your safety and so does your father and now we have them on your whole family. Mia needs help, but she won't get it, so prison awaits her. After knowing all that will you ever go out with me?
As long as you treat me right and keep Mia away from me. I own a gun and if I have to I use it. Plus I know a lot if self defense tactics.
I know you fought like hell the first time you were attacked and you and your sister taking down six men is proof you will do anything to survive. Now about that date?
Sure Barney has my number my family is ready to leave now. He leans in asks for a kiss and I kiss him. It was sweet and tender.

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