Wedding Of The Year

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After all these years of being tortured by Mia, Elliott chose me and Mia is turning in her grave I am sure if that. She really never wanted her brother married and happy and she made sure of it by keeping us from them. Every female she thought might turn his head she befriended and then made us out to be annoying and gold diggers to her brothers no wonder they never looked at any of us. She was off her game the night Elliott hit in me at the GEH Christmas party. Anastasia was my matron off honor, she is the only one I can trust not to hit on Elliott. Christian is the best man and typical Elliott wants the bachelor and bachelorette parties. I gave Anastasia the list and she was surprised at the names on it. Both mothers and hers and her sister Ashley Paulson, Leila and her husband Dawson Lawson. Gia Matteo a few others she said we could have skipped inviting. But the parties were great and the men hired to dance were great. One single guy got with Gia. She brought him to the wedding.
Christian invited everyone in my list Ethan, Ray,dad and a number if my construction crew and a few classmates. The dancers were high end and did a wonderful job. Christian said they should be classy and performed well for what they were paid. The owner however was hitting on Christian. He told her that her staff had more class than she did. He told her he was not interested in dog food when he had strawberry cheesecake at home. I laughed at that and the owner frowned at me. I told her if you don't like getting comments like that then don't hit in taken men.
Everything is going well until I see an annoying ex of Kate's trying to get through the gate to stop the wedding. I had them call the cops to escort him from the area. Elliott is nervous enough we don't need him to get wind of Carl Dent trying to stop the wedding we had the question taken from the vows. The one if you know any reasons these two shouldn't be married speak now and forever hold your peace. We are all dressed nicely. The weather is perfect and everything is going perfect and Eamon is walking Kate down to her betrothed. Finally they are doing the vows and I am on edge after Carl tried to stop the wedding an hour or so ago. He is some billionaires son who just inherited half the estate and thinks that is what Kate wanted was him to be wealthy. It wasn't. I noticed a plane and it looks like someone is falling from the sky. I am not the only one who sees this and I yell continue in and pronounce them man and wife before he arrives.
Elliott that's Carl let's get this done and sign the documents. We ask the minister to cut to the chase and he finally says you may kiss your bride after the rings were placed and they quickly announce us as mr and mrs Elliott Grey. Security had to go rescue him out of the sound. He missed the mark and they arrested him and took him to the hospital because he nearly drowned. The parachute had to be collected as evidence. Videos of everything was shot from so many angles and mom screaming at the minister to hurry up and marry us before he arrives told me exactly who he was yet again. We got some nice photos of the wedding and some truly funny ones. The real treasures are the videos and we had to laugh at the extreme measures Carl went to stop my wedding to Elliott. We are going to Aspen, New York and Malibu. Elliott is using Christian's jet and flying us to Aspen first. I had no idea he knew how to fly a jet. I guess he and Christian took lessons in flying them along with gliders and helicopters. Christian owns the Aspen and New York properties but Elliott owns the Malibu home. It was amazing and we will be visiting it often. We enjoyed our cake and Elliott took one sip of champagne and water the rest of the day. He said he had to stay totally sober to fly us to Aspen. I am sitting behind the cockpit and he is having fun flying with the cop pilot Sarah Beigley. Natalie served us food and drinks. Our security are discussing the plans for our trip. He comes back and sits with me and we eat our food. I think he just realized it was rude to leave his new wife to go fly the jet. So he asks Sarah to have another pilot ready to go with us to New York and then Malibu. We basically spent most of our honeymoon naked and I have no tan lines anymore. I am ready to go home by the third day at Malibu because of the beach bunnies hitting on Elliott and inviting themselves to dinner. I finally tell them we are on our honeymoon and you don't get the hint like telling you that each day. They just walk inside and make themselves at home. I tell Elliott not to answer the door anymore because we know it is going to be one of his neighbors. That did the trick and we stayed two more weeks. They got the message. They came in and sat down and I would set our food on the table and suddenly my plate was being taken by one of them and they expected me to serve dinner to them. I plated another plate and sat down and started eating. When they headed to our kitchen I told them to go home and eat there. I got up and stopped them from getting any food out of our kitchen. They looked at Elliott for help and he told them that they should never have been here to begin with and they were told time and time again by the cops to leave him alone. That didn't dissuade them so locking the doors and windows and not answering the door did. We packed up and left. We found out that our security had a long talk with the neighbors and told them the next time they came uninvited police would be called and they would be arrested. I had wondered where they were at. They told us the neighbors had a secret path onto the property and they had been trying to plug it up. They finally did.

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