A Good Friendship

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Barney and I really clicked immediately and Anastasia was having fun too and enjoyed chatting and learning different things but it wasn't the same as Barney and I. We all hung out together but Anastasia had college to attend and we had finished high school waiting to attend courses when they were available to us. Most were on line courses we both compared notes on what courses we were taking and ones we wanted to take and what were the ones that were the best to take so we could advance our abilities to the fullest extent. We brought Anakin when designing our latest project. She is now taking design in various areas. One was robotics and recreation if prosthetics. She wants to see what can be done in that area as well other areas. She needed to take some ore med courses for a few of her patents. I have found a few of her designs and gave her some notes and she did the same for me. Barney added his own as well. We all got together and we sent in a few patents with all our names on them. One was rejected because it had one flaw in it. We found a place to build a prototype and we worked out the issues and sent it back in and it was passed. The other four were passed as well. We did run into an issue on the sixth one. It had already been given to someone else. Dad couldn't believe that that could be the case so he checked it out. The patent office made an error. He sent it back and we got the patent a week later.
A few college friends invited me to a party. I asked dad and mom about going and they want me to take security with me. I never balk about that after what has happened in the past. I wear jeans and my favorite shirt and tennis shoes. This is supposed to be just a few friends but as we arrive it looks huge. My security was as worried as I am. We get out and go inside since the door was wide open. The second I see Mia I go right back out the door and security is right by me and we get to the car as I hear laughter from behind me and it is Mia and all her friends this time they are different friends. We just drive home and I go back into my bedroom and tell the friend that set this up to go find someone else to help her on her projects from now on. I just happened to catch her recording the whole scene.
I heard Anastasia come back within an hour of going out and I want to ask her what happened but she closed her door and I her tell someone on the phone that she was there and left. Then when I heard that Mia Grey and her new friends were there I knew something had happened and Mia was behind it along with her friends. Amber told me to let her handle it, she did an excellent job of it the last time. Now she has Samantha and Barney to help her out. I know she has been lonely at times but she is better off without Mia and her scumbag friends. Ashley keeps in touch with all of us. She is pretty busy between her twins and the job she is getting a degree in psychology. Now she is dating someone nice and single.
Barney and Samantha have invited me to the GEH Christmas party. I am encouraged to go to it. He invites dad and mom as well. I think I can have a good time there. We are to buy presents to give to less fortunate people and a list of the possible items to buy them. Each one should have a number on it and place it in the container with the numbers on it. We can buy them the whole list or any number of gifts as long as you bring at least one gift as your ticket to get in the GEH. Gift less people will need a monetary donation of a thousand dollars cash only. We urge you to give gifts armed guards will be present at the monetary donation areas. The monetary donation can be more than a thousand dollars. Everyone needs to bring their list and mark what items you are giving along with receipts. All presents must be recently purchased and sealed in the original box. Again use the numbers off the list. Dad looked at the list and told each of us we are to purchase one thing off the list but we are giving two thousand dollars each as well. He has an envelope ready for each of us. We all go buy from a high end store to buy something that will last. We have it wrapped and place the card on the gift with the numbers on it. Then we have the envelope for the receipt of said item again we place the number on it. It is very tricky. Dad looks over everything and we have allotted totes with everything inside. Each tote is a different color and our numbers on it. We retain the the receipts but dad holds onto all the cash envelopes in a locked security box. I wear the beautiful gown my mom and dad insist that I wear along with full makeup and hair. I was taken to get gussied up. Thank God Samantha and mom were there because Mia and her posse were leaving as we were coming inside the salon. The salon owner was frothing all over her. She introduced herself to mom, Samantha and I as mrs Lincoln. Chills went down my back as she looked us up and down. Mom asked her if she was a lesbian or something because the way she was looking us up and down it like we were going to be her next meal. Well if you could see through all the Botox at the troweled on make her face might have been blood red. Her employees were holding back a laugh as they led us back into the salon to get the works whatever that was.
What a display mrs Lincoln made of cooing over Mia Grey. Mia had planned or trying to torment Anastasia but apparently saw the looks on my face and how our security blocked her from getting to Anastasia. Then that overstuffed turkey into a black whatever it was that she was wearing came over after Mia and her tramps left the salon chuckling saying they would get Anastasia later so everyone could hear it. I told Anastasia that she will not be going anywhere alone at the Christmas party. She agreed with me. We already have security staff arranged to look like attendees. Grace, Carrick, Christian and Elliott are going to keep an eye on Mia and her entourage. Everything is going to be recorded through the building with the exception of the restrooms. Anastasia will have company with her and she has a few things in her purse that she will be recording video wise from the broach on her dress. It matches so no one notices it has a camera and she can turn it on from her purse or the ring on her finger. One of the designs they got a patent for.
I have the totes brought in and I give them the receipt envelopes for each of them. They are all matched up and then go give the cash envelopes to the armed guards. My ladies are chatting with the people taking in the totes and writing down the information on their lists. They already have a room full of stacks of presents for the less fortunate. We hear Mia coming with her friends my security escorts us directly into the party to avoid her at all costs. I nearly ask her where Howard Johnson is today until I see Lily Johnson with her along with Kate Kavanagh. Amber whispers it's not worth it. Let's go greet the nicer Grey family we surround Anastasia and enter the door and greet dr Grey, Carrick, Elliott and Christian Grey. Christian couldn't stop looking at Anastasia until his brother elbows him. We head into the dinner and are escorted to our tables. This ends tonight that whore Mia will pay for her bullying my daughter. It will be quiet and fast and the message will be very clear to her and if her little friends know what's good for them they will flee like the rats in a sinking ship. I excuse myself and wink at Amber. She is in on the plan. I see Howard and his wife Deanna, how she stands him is beyond me. I go get things rolling because Mia is watching our table like a hawk. This is going to be a one on one situation. I thank Barney for his help in setting this up for us. I tell Amber it is time to set the scene up. I have someone tell Howard he is wanted by Mia and someone tells her that Howard wants to see her. I tell Amber and Samantha to take Anastasia to the restroom and start the wheels rolling. What no one knows is that little Mia has a little Howard and she is trying to force him to marry her. It isn't happening. Deanna is the one with the money and he is hanging on by a thread. All she needs is evidence and she can't get it from Ashley's children without hurting someone else. But the privileged princess is another matter. She can't stand Mia. Howard gets up and heads out, Anastasia, Amber and Samantha are all in position. Security is in place. I see the Kavanagh family watching as things unfold. I have set things up so it will go up on the internet as soon as the video starts. Soon google alerts are going off at tables.
We will be behind this door and security will be holding the others back if they try to enter the restroom.
Mia tells me to meet her in the ladies restroom via text message and then a security person I don't recognize. Deanna glares at me as I leave before an argument is started.
I walk into the restroom and use the toilet while waiting for Howard. I wash my hands waiting for him. I check for feet under the stalls to assure I am alone. Howard enters the restroom and locks the door. We start kissing and I didn't hear or notice someone has opened the supposedly empty stall. I and Howard get so caught up we failed to noticed Anastasia recording our every move. She has her phone pointed at us as we are getting dressed. I reach out to grab her phone when Amber and Samantha come out recording on their phones. A knock on the door and Deanna and my mom us standing there and both want a word with us.
I take it you both got the video of the living couple. Oh by the way this is Mia's EPT test, the rabbits dead. You can guess who the father is at this point. Sorry dr Grey but Mia has been hurting me since we met. She set up a party and had me invited so she could drug me and allow some guys to gang rape me and record it all and post it in the internet. When she came out to welcome me I knew the people who told me what she had planned weren't lying about it. We have recordings of her rants about her plans getting screwed up from more than one source. I play the recordings for Dr Grey and she is absolutely horrified by it and she tells me to send everything to her directly. I get her email and phone number and forward everything to her. Some people have consciences and know what that would do to me. You knew and made plans to destroy me for absolutely no reason except you think it's funny. Well back to the party for us again dr Grey and Mrs Johnson I am so sorry it had to come to this but it was the only way dad said that would stop her tyranny over others. I hear Mrs Johnson say Thank you Anastasia and thank your dad for helping me catch them in the act.

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