Texas, Baby!

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I just can't contain my excitement right now, after Hanna said that we're going to Texas to surprise Em, I quickly hugged her. I've never been this happy before in my life. I thank Hanna over and over again, and she said don't , I should thank Mrs. Fields for making this happen. I forgive her. I really do. But right now all I wanna do is go to Texas. I can't believe I'm gonna see Emily! I can't wait to see her!

"Hey, I called Spencer and Aria, they're coming too." Hanna said, while chewing the last cookie I have in the jar.

"Okay, Hanna, have you packed?" I asked her, she stayed the night. I spent the night packing my stuff and imagining a lot of things that could happen. I mean, what would Emily's face be when she sees me?

"Oh shit, I forgot about that." Hanna said, grabbing her keys and hurrying to the door.

"I'll wait for you Hanna, tell the girls to come here also." I yelled, I make my way to the living room, my bags are already packed. Good and ready to go. Well, I don't know when we're going but I hope today. I don't really know if we would take the plane or just drive.

It's a good thing that the other girls are free this week, we could all spend time at Texas. Maybe Em and I will rekindle our relationship, who knows? Right now I just want to hug her, tell her how much I miss her. And tell her how much I still love her.

After a few hours, I heard a knock on the door. I ran towards it to open it, and I found Spencer and Aria. Carrying big bags.

"Hey! Let me help you with that." I hugged them and then carried some of their bags.

"So... When do we leave?" Aria asked, excitingly.

"Maybe today. I hope you had a goodnight sleep last night because we're driving to Texas." I said as we walked to the living room.

"Wait what?!" Spencer stopped in her position.

"We're driving to Texas, is that a problem?" I said as I laughed a little

"No, but I want you to know that it takes a day to get there." Spencer said, continuing to walk.

"That's okay with me, you I would do anything for Emily." I said.

"Awww, you still love her. You're so strong Ali." Aria said, hugging me tightly.

"Okaaaay, so do you want some tea?" I asked them.

"Uhm, no thanks." Aria said.

"You don't have coffee?" Spencer asked.

"I have coffee, okay I'm just gonna go make some coffee for you." I said as I made my way to the Coffee Brewer in the kitchen, I poured some coffee left in the mug.

"So, when's the Spoby Wedding?" I asked her as I gave her the coffee.

"Maybe next month. We're still planning it." Spencer said as she took a sip of her coffee.

I took a look of Spencer's ring, it's so beautiful. She earned that.

"How about you Aria? Did Fitz pop the question yet?" I asked Aria, Aria quickly frowned.

"You know it's weird, I keep on waiting but nothing. He never asks anything. " she said, she kept her head down.

"Aria, it's okay, just don't lose hope." I said, patting her back.

"Okay so which car are we gonna use on our way to Texas?" Spencer asked, as she took a sip from her coffee.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said, smirking on Spencer.

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