Jenna and Jason

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The first thing I saw when I wake is Em's gorgeous face. Yesterday is awesome. I'm glad she liked what I did. But, I was quite disappointed in the fact that she doesn't remember anything about our monthsary. I let it all pass. It's finished.

"Good morning baby." I whispered then kissed her cheeks.

"Good morning too, i'm still sleepy. " She said then she fell back into sleep.

I sighed then went to the bathroom to clean myself.

I went out to change into some clothes. It's weekend finally. We can spend time all day here. But know I have to go home.

"Hey baby, i'm just gonna go home. I'll be right back." I said then ran off the door.

"Okay, i'm just gonna go there baby! And be careful baby!" Em said.

I drove off Em's house. I've gotta admit, last night was the best time of my entire life. I'm planning to go out with Em this day.

I pulled off the car to my house. I entered my house and I saw Jason in the living room sitting in the couch.

"Hey Ali." He said

"Hey, Jason. What're you doing here? I thought you're at work?" I said

"I'm taking the day off, plus, I have something to tell you." He said

"Okay, what is it?" I asked

"I overheard Jenna and that new girl from your school talking about your group." He said.

"What about our group?" I fiercely asked. My eyebrows meeting. The fact that Jenna is back and that a new girl has arrived make me want to puke.

"She said that somebody's gonna die." He said.

"What the hell?" I blurted out. I was so mad. I starting running upstairs to my room then face to my pillow.

What the hell is Jenna thinking? Is it true? Holy crap. Maybe it is.

I heard footsteps near my door.

"Hey, Ali, if you don't wanna talk about this, it's okay, as long as you're fine." I heard Jason said.

"Come in. I do wanna talk about this." I said

Jason entered my room.

I can't really tell what's happening to me. Maybe it's the fact the everything Jenna says is true is bugging me off. Look what happened to Em. I forgot that she killed Lindon. I need to keep her safe.

"I need to protect Em from this." I said

"Okay. Oh, about that, I received an anonymous call saying that you're gay. Is that true?" He asked.

"Oh, yes. It's true. I admitted it in front of the whole school." I said.

"I don't think that's a great idea. Dad won't be happy to hear this." He said.

He can't accept who I am? What the hell?

"If you can't accept my sexuality. Then, i'm out of here." I said then I ran off.

I rushed outside my house then quickly went to Spencer's.

"Spencer!" I said as I banged her door, hard.

I saw Spencer hurried towards the door then opened it for me.

"Why? Are you mad or something? You nearly destroyed my door!" She said.

"Jason won't accept the fact that i'm gay. And I hate it. I ran from home. Can I stay here?" I said.

"Of course. But just calm down. I'll give you some water. Breathe." She said as she ran towards the kitchen to get me some water.

"Here." She handed me water.

"Thanks. By the way, Jenna is back. And i'm not happy on what she said about our group." I said

"What?" She asked.

"Somebody is gonna die." I said.

Spencer gasped, I knew she was afraid.

"I'll text the girls to come here." She said.

"Why?" I said

"They deserved the right to know!" Spencer said.

"Okay." I said.

After fifteen minutes, the girls went in.

"Okay, why did you invite us?" Hanna asked.

"We have something to tell you guys." I said and I glared at Em, she was rolling her eyes.

Why? Did I do something wrong?

"What? You're together now?" Hanna asked.

"Wait- what? No!" I said. Oh i saw the point. Em was jealous in the fact i'm at Spencer's house.

"Then what is it Ali?" Em said. Acting jealous.

"Jenna is back. And she said something about us." I said.

"Oh shit." I heard Em whispered.

"What's wrong Em?" Spencer asked.

I saw Em looking terrified. She must've known this.

"I-i saw Jenna at the comfort room at school, she warned me to be safe because someone's gonna die in this group." Em blurted out.

Hanna and Aria covered their mouth and gasped.

We were all scared.

"Now matter what happens guys, let's all stick together. We don't know who's gonna die but we have to be careful." Spencer said.

"Come here Em." I said.

Em sat at my lap and I kissed her lips.

"I promise to protect you form anything. " I said

"You too. I love you baby. But why are you here?" She said as she stood up.

"I need a place to crash. I ran from home, Jason won't accept me as a lesbian." I said.

"Oh. And you're comfortable here?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry if I didn't crash at your house, i'm just shy with your parents." I said.

"Oh,okay. I'll just visit you here. Be safe here baby, by the way, i'm gonna go out. I'll be back. I love you." She said as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you too." I said.


I've already planned the ending of this book, its gonna be heartbreaking, I think so. Thank you again for all the votes and reads! I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

- The Author

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