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The next day, we all went to school. Spencer picked us all and entered the school together. The girls where very protective, they're like my bodyguards. Especially Em, I love her being protective like this. It was almost lunch break. I'm in Mr. Fitz's class. Em was in her Chem class so we were separated. But Aria is with me here.

Just a minute before lunch break. Mr. Fitz is talking about something. I can't focus on it. I'm too busy wondering about myself. Why is this asthma got worse? Will I die early? If this happens, I know what i'm gonna do. I'm worried about this. Thinking of this makes me cry.

A tear dropped from my eye and the next thing I know, the class was finished. I quickly wiped my tear away as I make way to the comfort room before going to the girls. There was no one in here. I can express my thoughts here.

I make my way to an empty cubicle and I bursted my tears out. Today I didn't feel anything that has to do with my asthma, I didn't get attacks. Well that's a relief. I'm just having a mental breakdown here. I stopped from crying and get out of the cubicle to wash my face.

"I can get through this." I say to myself as I get of the comfort room.

The reality struck me, hard. I should spend some time with my love more frequently. I got the perfect idea for us to spend more time. Maybe this night. I will take her out on our first date. Haha I don't really know if it's our first. A month has passed and we still didn't went out for a date.

I walked to the girls and I saw Em, she is so beautiful, I am so lucky that I have her. Em patted the empty seat beside her, signaling me to sit beside her. I quickly obeyed her. I keep staring at her and her eyes met with mine's. She smiled a little and blushed.

"Hey if you wanna kiss her right now, just do it. Stop eyefucking her like every time. " Hanna snapped.

"Oh, sorry." I said. Then we all laughed.

My eyes wander away from Em, I started looking around. I didn't know who I was looking for. Oh, I spotted a difference. Paige is not here. She's not here.

I sighed in relief and returned my eyes to Em's. The whole time, I was staring at her wondering how beautiful my girl was. Every time she met eyes with me, she always blushes. Hanna keep making weird faces towards me. Well, Spencer and Aria, they're talking about something, but I can't really hear it, because I was staring at my most precious thing.

After lunch, we all went to class and we all got the same class. So Em was at the center then j sat besides her. The girls where around us, Hanna at my back, Spencer at Em's front. Aria sat besides Spencer.

Then again, I stared at Em again. For the whole class, or the whole afternoon, I kept doing that. We never talked. Maybe she's having butterflies in her stomach.

After School, we hopped onto Spencer's car. I sat beside Em, usually. We were at the back.

I stopped the whole staring thing. But I saw Em staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Hahahah you can't resist me." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You keep staring at me earlier at school. I resisted it. Now I just stared at you for a second and you can't resist me." She said as she blushed.

I just smiled. Then I remembered the idea I thought earlier at school.

"Umm, Em?" I asked.

"What is it? Are you having an attack again? I have your inhaler here!" She said as she quickly reached into her bag and got the inhaler. God. She's so amazing.

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