Telling Them

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I have to admit, earlier was the best time of my life, Ali gave in and we nailed it. I thought she's still going to bring up the 'let's not rush things thingy'. Maybe she realized that i wanted her, and now, she wants me. Btw, we're at Spencer's living room right now, we are the first ones to arrive, next is Aria and then Hanna.

"So, bitches, are we gonna rock this sleepover?" Hanna said turning a heavy metal music louder.

"Hanna, this is so loud, it's like 1 million decibels in one ear." Spencer said.

Hanna lowered the music.

"So, Hi!" Hanna sounded like drunk. She started drinking since Caleb's back.

"Okay guys, we need to tell you something. Pay attention please?" I say while nodding to Hanna.

"Em and I are together now, we love each other. I promise you that i will not break her heart again. If i do, forget that we're friends and kill me." Ali said.

"We are so happy of you two! What a cute couple!" Aria said.

"Yeah, i agree with Aria, we only want what's best for you two." Spencer said while winking at Aria.

"Yeah yeah. We're happy for you two. We love you." Hanna added, she looked like she just acted that she's happy.

"We are glad to hear your praises. Thankyou, loveyou guys." Ali said

"For Emily and Alison, may they strengthen their relationship. Cheers!" Spencer says while we make a toast.

"Okay, can we play?" Aria said.

"What game?" I said

"Hide and Seek" Aria said, the rest of us laughed.

"Really Aria? Isn't that a little childish?" Spencer said.

"Oh, come on. What else can we play? Truth or Dare is so lame, i mean, what? We can't  just sit here and do nothing. We need to do old school." Aria said, standing.

"Well, if that's what you want. I think it'll be fun." Spencer said, she stands.

"We're in!" Ali said, looking at me.

"Hanna? Are you joining?" I said

"Yeah, yeah. I'll follow up. I have to play with my dolls! " Hanna said acting drunk.

"Okay. So, who'll be the one who's gonna find us?" Aria said.

"Me! Pick me Aria! " Spencer said

"Is it okay if Spencer is the one who's gonna find us?" Aria said

"Yeah." Ali and i said.

"Okay, Spencer. You stand there and count up to... Umm.... Like 10 seconds." Aria said

"Okay. Hanna follow up please!" Spencer said.

"Yasss. I'll be in jupiter in a few!" Hanna said.

Spencer looked against the wall and started counting... 1....2........3... We all hurried upstairs, except Hanna. Well, she's on her own now! Aria hid inside Spencer's closets, while Ali hid behind the curtains. 4.....5.....6.....7.... Shit. I have no place to hide. If i hide under her bed, it'll be so obvious. I hurried downstairs and go outside. I hid inside Spencer's barn. 8.....9....10!!!!!

"Come out, come out wherever you are! " Spencer yelled.

It was complete silence for like 5 minutes. I wonder what's happening.

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