The Tape

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I take back my anger after I was informed that Em's in a coma. I can't stop crying!! Hanna and the other girls went out to eat. Me, I don't feel a thing. All I know is to be here with my love until she wakes up.

"Em, don't give up on me please! I need you! I regret all the things I've done to you. I forgive you also, now that I know you weren't cheating on me. It's Ben right? He is such a psychopath. I'll promise you Ben will pay for this." I said

"I know you can't open your eyes or move anything but I know you're awake there inside. I know you can hear me, fight this for your sake! I can't live without you baby." I said as I kissed her.

There was a sudden knock on the door, earlier, I can't feel anything but now, my stomach's growling.

"Thank god Hanna! I've been waiting for--" I opened the door to see Caleb.

"Hi." He said

"Um, hello? What are you doing here?" I said

"Just went to check on Em." He said

"Oh, okay." I said

"What happened to her?" He asked

"She was harassed and her body was filled with stabs." I said

"Oh?! You mean like real knife stabs? How many?" He said

"Yeah, 13." I said

"Holy fudge!" He jumped.

"Yeah, I know. Ben did it. She is a coma right now." I said

"Who's Ben?" He said

"Her Ex Boyfriend." I said

Caleb moves closer to me. He just ignored what I just said.

"Hey, mind if I take you outside?" He said

"Umm, I have to take care of Em." I said

"C'mon, just for a few minutes, I need to show you something" He said

"No, show it to me here." I said

"C'mon, Ali." He said as he dragged me outside. I have no strength to fight him.

"Let go of me! Or i'll scream!" I said as we reached the elevator

He doesn't notice me.

I screamed loud.

"You fool, no one will hear you here! We're inside the elevator!" He screamed at me.

"I can't believe you're Hanna's boyfriend." I said

The door opened, I have nothing to do, we're at the ground floor so I follow him outside.

We stopped on a restaurant then sat outside.

"There's something I have to tell you. " He said

"What? Tell me now!" I demand

"Someone's been sending me these." Caleb removed his laptop from his bag.

"What?" I said

"Someone anonymously sent me a tape. " He said

"What tape?" I said

"Tape of Em and some guy I believe "Ben" doing it in this abandoned motel." He said

I gasped.

"Oh my god!" I said

"Look at this" He said as he arrange his laptop then faced it to me.

I see Em, naked and handcuffed to the bed. Ben was on top of her.

"Stop. I can't watch this." I said as I faced him the laptop. Tears was building up my eyes.

"I'm sorry about this." Caleb said as he handed me a tissue.

"We can do something about it. We can report this to the police and they can arrest Ben" He said

My face light up a little.

"Yes! You're right. But I can't let them watch this. This reveals my girlfriend's body."I said

"But how? You want me to take a picture of it. Don't worry just one." He said

"Okay, but keep it censored." I said

I was so broken when I saw that. If I find Ben, I swear i'm gonna kill him.

"By the way, i'm gonna buy us something to eat then walk back to the hospital" Caleb said.

Hanna is so lucky she has Caleb. I thought earlier he's gonna kill me or something.

"Thanks." I said

He went back with food. We ate together.

"Who do you think would send this?" He asked

"I don't really know." I said but I clearly know, maybe A is back. Or someone's been messing with us.

We finished eating then went back to the hospital.

We entered the elevator. This is so awkward. It was just us two.

I shifted my eyes to him to see him staring.

"Why are you staring?" I said with sass.

He moves closer and he suddenly kissed me, I pushed him hard enough to let him hit on the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I have a girlfriend and so do you! We can't do this Caleb!" I screamed at him and the door opened. I quickly ran to Em's private ward but I tripped.

Caleb catches me and I stood. I walked inside to find Hanna, no other girls.

Hanna's eyes widen.

"Well, if it isn't Cinderella and her Prince Charming." She said, acting jealous.

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