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The Last Chapter.



"Hurry up Alison! You've been in the shower for like an hour!" Hanna said as she was preparing Ali's stuff.

"Just a minute Han." Ali shouted.

"You just said that like a minute ago! Alison! Hurry up!" Hanna said.

"It doesn't start until I'm there." Ali said.

"Yeah, you need to hurry up because it's gonna start in an hour! You haven't put on your make up yet." Hanna said. Hanna was like a nanny.

Silence filled the room.

"Ali?" Hanna knocked on the bathroom door.

Finally Alison unlocked the door and there she was, with a robe covering her body. Her hair was dry already.

"What did you do inside?" Hanna asked.

"I took a bath, duh." Ali said.

"Your hair is already dry so you finished early." Hanna said, squinting her eyes.

"Okay fine. The remaining minutes I was inside the bathroom, I began to think. Like in deep thoughts. I wonder what's gonna happen." Ali said.

"Ohhh, yeah sure. C'mon. You're gonna be late!" Hanna said and Alison began to dress up and fix herself.

Hanna and Alison was welcomed outside by their limo driver. They peacefully went inside.

"Holy shit Hanna, I'm so nervous." Ali said, she was pressing her palms together, as a sign of her nervousness.

"Well, Don't be, cause you're finally gonna have your forever you're always dreaming of." Hanna smiled. "I'm so happy for both of you." She added.

"Thanks Hanna, for everything." Ali said, tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Ali!! Stop crying!! It's gonna ruin your face!!" Hanna said then fixed Ali's makeup.



We're finally at our destination. I hear the wind as it blows on my skin. I can feel the sea breeze in this place. Waves are crashing. Birds are chirping. The sunlight shining directly towards my skin, it can never be more perfect. As I stand in the middle of it all, the beach, the flowing sand, flowers everywhere, white dresses and white tuxes around me. I can't believe that this is happening.

"Wow Ali, it's so beautiful." Hanna said. "And you totally cleared all of the people for this." She added.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that this is happening." I said, amazed of all the lights surrounding the place.

"Come on, the procession's starting." Hanna dragged me at the end of the line. She was in front of me.

"You look gorgeous Ali." Jason smiled as he reached for my arm, putting it on his.

"Thank you, what a miracle, you finally cut your hair? I told you that you'd be more handsome if you cut it this way." I said, smiling. Jason had a long hair and I was telling him to cut it since last year.

"Well I have to be handsome for my sister's much-awaited wedding." He said. I just smiled, Jason was all grown-up.

I look down, I see myself. This is not a bad gown though, well, it took me 1 month to have the final decision for my gown. I can't believe that I'm standing in the Mediterranean coast of southeastern France, the French Riviera. I look around, everyone was standing.

It's starting.

It was my turn to walk down the aisle. I slowly walked, thinking all of the good things that happened in my life as a DiLaurentis. All my struggles, my problems. I overcame it all. A? It's gone. All because of this. Being in love with Emily Fields. The first time I saw her, our first kiss. The time I ignored her feelings. That time when endured all the pain in the world when she picked Chess over me. But it was all in the past. I'm ready to start my new life. A new life with her. The girl whom I love the most.

The line was clear and I'm the only one who's walking. I saw the most beautiful woman in my entire life. She is my life.

Emily was wearing a gown, too. Traced by laces all over. But her's is much shorter than mine. I looked at her, my world began to spin in slow motion. She's so beautiful. Her eyes, which reminded me of hazelnuts, her nose, her laugh, her lips that curl in to that favorite smile of mine. And her stunning brown locks, now straightened, to top it all. I love this girl so much. I think I'm about to cry.

The moment was just perfect.

Here I am, Alison DiLaurentis, walking down the aisle, about to be married to the woman whom I really love the most. We've gotten through the hard times, hell yeah hard times. We nearly died. I thought our relationship would end when I came to Texas. After years, I felt relieved that Emily came back. I have always expected that. Since the day we met, I knew, that this girl would have such a great impact on my life.

I looked at her in the eyes, seeing those wonderful eyes for like the millionth time. She smiled, feeling victorious. Inch by inch, we're moving closer, just like the song. Inch by inch, will be the result of my happiness. The final stage of my life, to be married with the one whom I loved the most. And I still love her. All of the pain was worth it. All of the sacrifices, all my hurtings, my injuries, my pain, was so fucking worth it.

And finally, I was face to face with the love of my life. I was so speechless and so emotional right now. I don't know how to obtain what I'm feeling, seriously. I have been waiting for this my entire life.

"You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life." I hear Em whisper. I smiled and blushed, I'm too old to blush for this stuff but, who cares? She's the love of my life.

"Thank you, you're the most hottest and the most stunning person I have met in my entire life." I said as my eyes went up to her face and down to her body as I bit my lip. I just can't control myself in front of this woman.

"Honey, you better save it for the honeymoon." Em winked at me. She was being such a tease.

I was about to say something but the judge cleared his throat, signaling us that the ceremony will start.

Never in my life have I been so happy.


The last time that I updated this book is when I was still in 8th grade, and now i'm in my senior year of highschool, I'm very sorry for not updating for years (or ages rather), I have been terribly very busy with my life. I'm just ending this because I really don't want anything that's bugging me or something that's making me feel not satisfied everytime I open Wattpad. Most of you have forgotten the story, and PLL is over also which was very sad for me.

If you're still reading this, thank you for patiently waiting, even though I know that this book is not as great as many of the fanfictions out here, I'm still forever grateful for all of your support when this book was still being read. I am beyond thankful for everyone for they all took part in something that's very important to me.

I am now a BLINK, a ONCE and on the way to becoming a ReVeluv. If time may allow, I'd like to write again concerning any of the fandoms I've mentioned.

Last, I need new mutuals on Twitter, I'm trying to be active in the fangirling world again. follow me @dubujenlisas

Thank you for supporting this book. Godbless. May we meet again.

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