In The Trashbin

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Thank God Em finally picked up the phone! I'm so fucking worried about her! There was something strange about her tone last night, when she picked the phone and all I heard was heavy breathing. Then Em said those words. There was a time that I thought she was doing it with someone but no, I trust her and I love her. Now I'm going to her house to fix our argument and to ask her what really happened last night. By the way, I'm recovered from my mother's death. It's good to be back.

I grabbed my car keys and then drove past to Spencer's house. Right, Spencer, and Aria stayed with me after Hanna got mad. They made me realize that being my depressed me would not be healthy for me and for our relationships. So I'm so glad that they're here all the time. Okay, this is it. I said as I parked my car outside Em's. I knocked three times then I see Em. Only wearing a T-shirt and only her underwear. Holy crap she looks damn hot. It took me a minute to realize that I was staring at her wonderful body. It took her a minute to realize she's with this outfit. This made her blush.

"Oh. Sorry I didn't have the time to prepare for your coming," she said

"It's okay baby, you look damn hot." I said, biting my bottom lip.

"Really? Thanks. Come on in." She said as she lead me in. We sat on the couch.

"I've missed you, like a lot, and I'm really sorry for what happened the other night--" she cut me off.

"Shhhh... It's okay. Look, it helped for your recovery." She said smiling.

"Can we go upstairs?" I said.

"Uh sure." She said while we ran upstairs.

She sat at the bed while I stood there. Silence. I wanted to ask her what happened last night but all I am thinking now is that to kiss her.

"Do you know how much i've missed you?" I said then I slowly straddled on top of her. I began kissing her cheek then to the side of her lips, then finally, I slowly brushed my lips against here's.

"I love you Em," I whispered to her ear then started kissing again and again.

But we changed sides, now she's on top of me. She kissed me more aggresively. She ripped of my T-shirt. Great, now I'm tearing yours. We torn all the clothes now we're just on our underwear.

"I love you too, Ali." She said. We just kissed, but few minutes after our tongue crashed together. This feels so good, I began to kiss her neck down to her collarbone, leaving marks to prove that she will forever be mine. Em let out a moan which increased the throbbing sensation between my legs.

I feel Em's hands on my hips moving down to my core.

"You're so wet baby." She whispered. As she began to rub my core up and down. I let out a heavy moan and cursed a little, this feels good.

I kissed her lips with more passion as I cup her breasts, we are on the same page. My other hand reaching for her core, planning to return her the favor.

"Fuck." Em moaned in my ear as she was reaching her climax.

"I'm so close, faster baby." She moaned louder, as I rubbed more faster. And then all her juices were left on my hand. She was breathing heavily, like it's the last day of her life.

"Are you okay baby?" I said

"Never have I felt any better." She said

"Look, I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be back," She said as she stood up, I stared at her, admiring her perfect figure.

"Okay baby, I love you!" I said.

"I love you too!" She said then she ran to the shower.

I just layed there with sheets covering my naked body. Since I am back to rosewood, never have i felt any safer, now with my gorgeous girlfriend and my friends,protecting me. Someday I will pay for all of their efforts for me. I promise that.

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when something caughts my attention. I look in the trash bin. There were 2 square-sized wrappers that are used, i thought,what is this? NO it CAN'T BE! Condoms. Male Condoms. Holy fuck?! What are these doing in here?! Does that mean that Em had --, No, this can't be happening?!

Then there was a knock on the door. I went down to open it. It's the bitch. Paige McCullers.

"I came to tell Em what happened last night." Paige said.

Oh, this better be good or else...

I kinda kept to myself what I saw in the trashbin. I'll admit it, my heart broke a little when I saw it. Maybe Em really had sex with someone. A guy. Maybe better than me.

"Okay. Just sit here while waiting. Holy shit i just realized that I'm just wearing a bed sheet. I'll change" I said to Paige.

I climbed upstairs and I saw Em removed her towel and all I see is her slim body. I just walked past by her. I can't forget about the wrappers of the condom.

"Hey Paige's downstairs waiting, she said she'll say what happened last night" I said then I changed to my outfit then went downstairs. What really did happen last night?

"Is there something wrong?" She said but I'm out of the bedroom.

"Yeah there is!" I said sarcastically.

I sat on the couch with Paige. To my surprise Em is so fast in changing clothes.

"Hey Baby, what's wrong? Did I do something bad?" She said as she came running down the stairs.

"I'm probably sure you don't remember" I whispered.

"What?" She said

"Woah, guys, Hi! I'm here! Please notice me!" Paige said

"Oh! Hello Paige, i'm sorry. What is it you that wanted to tell me?" Em said as she sat down.

"I remembered what happened to you last night. While we were celebrating at the bar, I was talking to you but I got disturbed but when I faced you back, you weren't there. I saw you being brought by Ben. I don't know where you two went. That's all I remember. " Paige said.

What the fuck? Ben? Oh, I get it.

"Oh. That explains all." I said upset.

"What explains all Ali?" Em said

"It explains the wrappers of used condoms in your trashbin, Em. " I said furiously.

She was shocked. Maybe she didn't knew that. Or maybe she was cheating on me.

"I trusted you Em, why did you do this to me? And you Paige, you are all responsible of this mess! If you didn't brought her to that bar, this wouldn't have happened." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"I only did that because Em was feeling lonely that day! That you rejected her!" Paige said.

"I'll admit it, it was my fault but, does that mean that you're gonna offer yourself from your past Em?" I said.

Em was there crying too.

"Look Ali, I'm So---" She said but I cut her off.

"No. No, i'm done" I said as I reached out the door.

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