All My Fault

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Now I get to break two hearts. Mine and Ali's. It hurts so much, letting go of the one person that truly matters to you. But I have to do it, for the sake of Chess. I picked Chess instead of Alison. Because I believe that Chess is still young, and fresh, life awaits for her, if I didn't do this, she might not get a life she deserves. It's best for Alison too, for her to finally move on from me, to live her own life, and as for me, I will be guiding Chess through all. This was the hardest decision I've ever made in my whole entire life. Now, I know that Alison and I were getting married, but I was willing to sacrifice that all for Chess, I mean, I still love her. My love equally for Alison. What happened to me?

I can't believe those words went out of my mouth. That I didn't love Alison anymore. I am so fucking stupid. But I was glad I said it, for Alison to face the truth. I entered my apartment, it sounds so.. Peaceful. Is Alison still here? Hanna? I don't know, and I don't care. I went upstairs to find a note on my bed. It's from Alison.


I still believe that you still love me and you wouldn't leave me that way. If you want to see me, I'm at our spot. I'll be waiting for you, last chance Em. I love you.


As much as I want to get her back, I can't. I just can't. All i can I do right now is to call the first person that pops into my mind. Cath. But I have to use the telephone.

'Hello? Emily?'

'Yes, Cath. Listen i need you.'

'Okay, I'm all ears.'

'You need to go nearest woods, and find the biggest rock there. Alison is there, meet with her.'
'Why not you?'

'Because, i just cant show up like nothing ever happened earlier.'

'Okay okay, im on my way. Just be here when Chess is awake okay?'


Am i doing the right thing? Is it really the time to let Alison go? I felt guilty, for all of the things I've done, if Chess didn't show up, these things would've happened. I don't really know, my heart is half between Chess and Alison. When I fell in love with Chess, I was so convinced to move on from Alison. Little did I know she reminded of Ali. Her bitchyness, all in all. Maybe this is where I am supposed to, making Chess happy. Even if it costs letting Alison go.


After a long nap, I prepared to go to the hospital and see Chess, if she's awake. A part of me was excited, a part of me was not. I was about to go downstairs when I heard a noise form the kitchen. It was probably Hanna. I walked towards the kitchen and there she is, staring at the window.

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