What I Did For Love

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I just keep on walking and walking, the fresh water of the pouring rain falling on my head. I can't believe she would do this. I know she loves me, but why would she pick her? Maybe she never really loved me. This is so hard to believe. After all that I've done? I took her to the top of the frickin Eiffel Tower, I paid her flight, our dinner, and the five star hotel. Did I wasted so much time on her? No, I love her. And I will do everything I can to fight for her. Maybe Chess needs her, but I need her most, she's the only thing that's keeping me well. I did everything, this is her thank you?

"I don't love you anymore Alison DiLaurentis"

That sentence keeps on repeating on my head. Its like a ringtone. She never calls me by my full name, except for when it's serious. She was serious. She doesn't love me anymore. Emily Fields doesn't love me anymore. I thought we're gonna have the forever that we always wanted, what I wanted. She never wanted me, or any of me. She never loved me. Maybe she's just playing with my heart, well she did a great job though. My heart was fully wrecked, shattered into pieces, grinded, and thrown away.

Why am I still living in this world? I have no worth. I'm not worth it. I've got to admit, Emily was my first real love, and I've heard that first love lasts forever. But in my case, it doesn't. Was this my punishment for all the years I bullied people? Was -A torturement not enough? Was my disappearance not enough? Maybe I should just die, in peace. I want to end my life right now.

I found myself soaking wet, standing in front of Emily's apartment. I have to get out of here, I'm not welcome in this house anymore. I entered, not knocking, and went upstairs. Packed my stuff, and then left a note to Emily. Last chance to get her back.

"Hey Lauren where are you going? Why are you crying?" Hanna showed up, I just walked through her, not noticing her.

I was going downstairs and Hanna shouted. "Where are you going Ali?!" I turned around to the sound of my first name, she never called me that.

"Emily said she doesn't love me anymore so... I'm moving out, I'm living on my own. I don't want distractions. I'm going away." I said.

"Crap, I'm sorry Lauren. But, what about me?" Hanna asked, I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Hanna, but I think we should go separate ways. I'm gonna go far away, live my own damn useless life." And I shut the door. I run, and run, in somewhere, I dropped some of my belongings, I don't care. That doesn't matter anymore. The note I left at Em's, said to meet me in our place. We called it the Kissing Rock 2.0, here we can see the warm glaze of the moonlight. See the beautiful views, and sceneries of course, Emily's face.

I'm here, in our special place. I can still picture us hanging out here. Kissing her lips under the moonlight. Enjoying each other's presence. Saying I love you's and many more. I miss her. I sat on the ground, looking up to see a shooting star, gladly there was one, I wished on it., and I hope it would come true.

Severals minutes has passed, Em still isn't here, maybe she doesn't want to. What am I doing here? Emily said she doesn't love me anymore, but yet I still wanna hold on. I'm bullshit. I always end up getting hurt. I was about to stand up when someone shows up. Unfortunately, it wasn't Emily. It was red-head.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said, pissed on the thought she followed me.

"I'm sorry, okay? Emily made me come here." Cath said, walking towards me.

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