04. Home Sweet Home

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Before I unpacked, (I was planning on emptying all the boxes to get the shit over with) I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and threw my hair in an effortless bun.

I put on some music and jammed out as I lined my books on the bookshelf, which really made a difference because my room was looking really depressing.

After unloading all of my books I began filing through old pictures. What were we thinking when we loaded them into just one box? And why was it in my room?

There was a scrapbook called,"Kid's Memories" so I decided to look through it. I found pictures of me when I was like three, dressed up in my mom's clothes which were way too big for me, with a toy shoved under my arm. Leo had a mustache scribbled onto his face with mom's eyeliner. Jasmine (my older sister who stayed in New York because she was twenty-two years old and had a life there) was standing over us shouting something at Leo. That was before Quentin was born. I remembered how close we all were. Looking at the old photograph, though, made me realize how much I missed my older sister. I smiled at the memory.

Just then someone knocked on my door. "Come in," I called.

Leo opened the door and walked in. "I finished unpacking my room, do you need help with yours?" he asked. I looked around the room. I was halfway done, and the photo box was in the way, distracting me.

"No thanks. But here, can you take this to mom and dad, though?" I set the scrapbook I was holding back inside and picked up the box, handing it to him. He took the box and waltzed out of the room.

+ + +

After dinner I was exhausted.

My room was finally done, and I was finished unpacking. I would more than likely have to help my parents unpack but all I wanted to do was sleep.

I flicked off the light switch and crawled under the covers, sighing with satisfaction, and before I even realized, I was asleep.

+ + +


The heart attack that was my alarm clock screamed at me before I pounded my fisted hand onto it until it shut up.

I lazily dragged myself out of my nest of white and purple sheets, throwing on a pair of jeans and a maroon t-shirt.

I finished getting ready and grabbed a piece of toast before calling goodbye to my family and walking out to Leo's car.

"Ready?" he asked, plopping his phone in the cup holder, placing his hands on the wheel.

"Guess so." I said, tossing my backpack to the floor of the car and crawling inside, chomping on my breakfast.

Leo typed in the address of our school on his GPS that sat on the dashboard because he sucked at remembering directions from one place to another. I thought it was kind of funny, but it made sense, I guess. I still didn't understand why he didn't use his phone for it, but people have their differences. There were some weird drivers in my family, though.

He began to drive and I blurted,"Leo, why didn't you drive me home from school yesterday? Like, we go to the same school, just I'm a sophomore and you're a senior. Were you embarrassed?" I chuckled.

"I wasn't embarrassed, I just had some homework and I didn't feel like waiting for you. Besides, dad said he didn't mind driving you home so just take the offer, yanno?" he explained.

"Oh... I didn't even see you yesterday until I got home." I said.

"Yea, different schedules I guess. At least I saw you before you went into the principals office when I got out. That guy's creepy." Leo glanced at his GPS and the monotone voice spoke something and he obliged, turning right.

"He is. Anyway, what do you think about Pine Ridge?" I asked.

"I think it's lame and seriously stupid that we had to move at the end of the year, but it's okay. I miss my old friends. Everything is weird now. I'm still moving out when I graduate, don't doubt that, but it's just... strange."

"Yea, it is. But I kind of have a friend, I guess. That's more than I ever had at James Madison." I snorted.

"Hey, don't be so negative! What about that Tarci girl? You were friends, right?"

"Leo, Tarci was my friend in eighth grade and she moved schools before high school." I deadpanned.

"Oh. What about Hannah?" he offered.

"Hannah and I weren't that close. She lied to me a lot, remember?"

Leo just nodded and frowned.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, seriously. It's whatever. At least I won't miss anyone from New York." I giggled as we pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Thanks for the ride, pick me up after school, okay?" I said, opening the door and getting out of the car.

"Okay. But hey," he said, and I looked at him before slamming the door. "You'll make friends." he smirked.

I smiled back at him and shook my head, and shut the car door. I watched as he rode off into the parking lot and parked, and began to walk into the school.

I was headed to first period for the first time. That was odd because I had my first day yesterday and not once encountered my first period class. Hm.

I found myself heading towards my art class. I enjoyed art, that's why I signed up for it, of course. The teacher, Mr. Rucker (a large bald man with a curly mustache and a Hawaiian button up) greeted me kindly and welcomed me to the class, assigning me to a seat next to a red-headed girl with a nose piercing. Her name was Leah.

"Hi! I'm Leah. You're really pretty actually, haha. What's your name? Are you new here?" she giggled happily. I laughed at how happy she was and replied,"I'm Olivia. Thank you, and yes."

She smiled at me again before the class begun, and I stared at Leah, thinking that maybe we would be friends, and I enjoyed the class, actually, putting me in a good mood, but I got even happier remembering that the next period I had Shawn with, right next to me. My stomach fluttered as the second period bell rang, and I was off.

- - -
(A/N) 5/8/15

ok so i realized this is just a filler chapter, im sorry if it's boring lol um im gonna add more action soon but it's only the beginning and i don't want to rush it.. im sorry again xx


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