Autor Note and a New Story?

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Hey! I'm working on another story, but I will probably not publish it for now. However, I'm not going to abandon this one, since y'all like it. The next chapter should be posted today, or tomorrow. Sorry for the waiting! I hope you'll like the next chapters, since they will be more action.

As for the new story, the main theme will be:

The Backrooms.

And of course, Izuku will be the main character. This time, no ship in the story, since it's nearly impossible to travel together in The Backrooms and it wouldn't make any sense. My idea is to write one chapter about each level Izuku passes.

Let me know in the comments if you like the idea, or write some suggestions. Every feedback is appreciated.

Anyways, wait for the next chapter of this story, which should be posted soon.

That's all for the AN.
Wish you a good day/night!

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