[volume 6] A Head start.

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White fang main base, with Adam tartarus 

White Fang Goon 01: I can't believe he turned his back on us. He just--

A door is heard opening. Visuals show the door opened in the seemingly empty White Fang Throne Room in Mistral. Voices can be heard  down the hall.

Adam: Step away from my throne, we have work to do...

White Fang Goon 02: We? Everyone knows what you did. You abandoned your brothers at Haven!

Adam: (seething) Step. Away. From my--

White Fang Goon 03: We're not taking orders from you anymore! We heard you folded the moment you got sass from the Belladonna girl and that damn robot that falls her. I guess she's got more control over you than you-

Suddenly, a slash is heard.

White Fang Goon 01: What? No...!

More sounds of slashes and battle are heard as many dead bodies of White Fang soldiers fall over, bloodied and strewn about the floor. The camera stops to show Adam himself sitting on the throne rubbing his chin.

Adam: The Belladonna girl... (stands up) Blake... Robot... 

Suddenly, Adam uses his Semblance to slash at the throne. He grits his teeth and lets out a loud yell of rage.

Third Person POV

The ship was quiet as everyone was gathering themselves, MOA had applied a healing ray on everyone who was still not full recovered, it was just finishing with Yang as she was reloading her gauntlets , a few others like Ren, Nora, Abigail and Weiss were sleeping as best as they could, Blake was reading one of her books Y/N had brought on their date. Qrow was watching them from the top of the lounge with Oscar who was speaking with Ozpin in his head. Ruby was with Jaune in the cockpit as they were coming up to their location. Jaune noticed Ruby had a mixed emotion.

Jaune: (concerned) Are you okay Ruby? You don't seem full here.

Ruby: just thinking about what happened with Abigail, she lost her only family member due to stalker and HunHow, Now Y/N is saying he going to look after her.

Jaune: something tells me you don't think he's up to the task.

Ruby: I mean he can't stand up anymore, not only that, do you really think he can do it without a problem

Jaune: What are you saying? Y/N may be in a bad place right now, but I'm sure he can defend himself.

Ruby: But what happens if he loses again? What happens if someone else manages to kidnap him and we never see him again?

Jaune: Ruby, I'm not sure that-

Ada: Then Y/N will need to get himself out of that position, wouldn't he miss Rose?

Ruby: Ada, i didn't realize you were listening...

Ada: since Y/N is trying to connect with the void he has been dreaming, it is likely he will try and find out if he can heal his spine fully.

Jaune: (Surprised) Wait he can do that?

Ada: Yes, even though he doesn't have an Aura, he can still take hits and be protected by his powers and the void, it is still unknown to me how he can go about healing as he kept quiet about it.

Ruby: So if he can heal his back, he can walk again?

Ada: Yes in theory, but Y/N has to put all his effort into it, and his nightmares are still reoccurring.

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