Chpt 43. | the metal weapon |

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I woke up to another aching headache. This time my wrist weren't in cuffs. I felt a liquid on my head. I hesitantly touched my head and looked at it. I hissed at the touch. Blood.

I shut my eyes tightly at the aching headache. It was one of the worst headaches in history. "Fuck" I cried before trying to sit. My whole body was sore. Everything hurt.

I hope that someone, preferably Antonio, finds me before this guy kills me. Antonio will find me , I have no doubts. I limped out of bed and into the bathroom.

I did my business and walked out. My body hurt so bad. "Fuck" I hissed walking out of the bathroom. I noticed that it was just me in here. I checked every part of wherever I was. I limped towards the window and opened the blinds. First floor motel.

I felt pain in whatever I did. I turned around and quickly limped towards the door. I hope he's on errands far away. I opened the door and there he stood. With bags on his wrist and a sinister smile.

"Hey baby" he grinned. Suddenly I felt disgusted by that word. "Where did you think you were going" he smirked. All at once he gripped my neck tightly before throwing me in the room. He shut the door behind him and walked in with the grip on my neck.

He dropped the bags on his wrist before slamming me to the wall. "Were you trying to escape?" He gritted tightening the grip on my neck.

I glanced at the floor and tears rolled down my face. My chest heavied. Why was he being so aggressive with me. If he gets too aggressive I could die. "N-no I - was looking for you baby, it felt empty without you" I failed to breath as he tightened his grip.

Almost instantly he grabbed my face and used that as a ability to stick his tongue in my mouth. I know he probably expected me to kiss him back but that's not the case. Instead I bit on his tongue as hard as I could and he dropped me to the floor.

"Baby" he cried sticking his tongue out. "Look what you've done muffin" he grinned as blood dripped from his tongue. "Not a good move" he snickered before grabbing both of my collar bones.

He lifted me off the floor and threw me on the bed. "Leave me alone!" I screamed while my head ached. He pulled the handcuffs from the nightstand by the bed and locked one onto the bed.

I was unable to move. He grabbed my wrist with so much force and locked it. He pulled out a black cloth and stuffed it in my face. I passed out. Again. God I'm so fucking weak.


I woke up again. To daylight. I wished I hadn't woken up as soon as he walked into the room. A sly smirk formed on his face. I just wish Antonio was here. My whole body ached and everything hurt.

"Hey babe" he greeted. I gave him the dirtiest look in the world. "Your "ex boyfriend" is out looking for you" he announced with disgust in his tone. "When will he realize that you've moved on? To a better life" he expressed. The last few words inched me. "To me"

"You stupid bitch" I spat. "When will you realize that I don't love you, I don't want you, LET ME GO YOU FUCKING PSYCHO" I screamed from the bottom of my lungs. "Antonio will find me!" I screamed. He only watched me. He didn't storm over to me and start drastically beating me til my death bed. A blank stare.

He stormed over to a duffle and started throwing clothes that were in the floor into a bag. "We have to get out of here" he whispered. "You and your fucking screaming is going to have this motel inspect us" he informed. "I bought us a home" those words broke me. Thoughts of Antonio started flooding back.

I lost the jewelry. The most important thing ever handed to me. Gone. Tears unexpectedly rolled down my cheeks. I feel like I've lost his love. My life has gone downhill without him. W-what if he doesn't love me anymore..

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