You Just Called Yourself Stupid, Stupid.

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Era Damon White/Harry Potter**

"I must resolve the blockage. I have to cease to exist, to put it simply."

"No," Lucius said, swiftly and decisively, "You don't. And that's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard you or anyone else say."

"What do you propose I do then?" Era asked, a bit exasperated.

"I don't know, but you aren't killing yourself," Lucius said unequivocally, gray eyes glinting with all the determination and tenacity in his heart.

"That was a very helpful answer Lucius," he said sarcastically. 

Why was he being so difficult about this? It was necessary!

"You're both acting like children," Severus said, "I don't think I have any good answers either, but at least act adult about this."

Era and Lucius glared at Sev. 

He rolled his eyes heavenwards, as if god could actually help him, and drawled, "Well you are. Get mad at the truth all you want, but it won't change the facts. Era, I know you are a child, so you have that as an excu-"

"I am not a child," he said firmly, and with great dignity.

"Then what was your behavior just now?"

"Lucius started it."

Sev just gave him a deadpan look, and he knew it was well earned. Yeah, that had been childish.

"I think we should wait for Harry to wake up," Tom said, voice barely audible over the tempers flashing in the room, but somehow managing to break through the tension.

"Say what now?" Lucius asked, interested.

"I said we ought to wait for Harry to wake up. He'll have a fresh perspective, and honestly, we just don't know enough about Era's abilities to come up with plausible ideas. Harry does though, and he's very smart. What would it hurt to wait for him?"

Era was tempted to say the entire world could collapse into a time loop at any second, but he saw the intelligence of Tom's plan. He still didn't plan to wait though. With long strides, he crossed the room and opened the curtain, only to be fixed with a glare from Madam Pomfrey.

Yeesh, if looks could kill. . .

He used a bit of magic to put her in stasis and went over to his younger persona. Carefully, using his wand, he coursed power into the smaller body of Harry Potter. He felt it traveling through, and watched the child shift comfortably, letting out the most adorable little snore. He definitely wanted to have children.

As more energy coursed through Harry, a very faint luminescence began to radiate from his skin. It wasn't like the times he was being magic poisoned, it was a far more gentle glow, and slowly Harry's drowsy eyes slid open, blinking a few times before focusing.

"What the &#*!" he said immediately upon seeing Era.

"Such language!" Severus chided, clearly amused from the curtain opening.

"Oh hush," Harry said, a faint flush entering his cheeks.

"I think he's becoming a teenager already," Lucius said, smiling wide, "And here I thought we had two more years."

Tom clucked his tongue, "And to think, not too long ago our little Harry was such a darling. You know, I hear people talk about the terrible twos, but honestly I've heard that the teenage years are even worse. Puberty turns little angels into devils."

Harry turned his head away in haughty disdain, but with the color still high in his cheeks, it appeared more like the actions of a petulant child. He crossed his skinny arms over his little chest, only furthering the image.

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