Animagus Anomaly

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Harry Potter**

He breathed out a sigh of relief. He absolutely adored his mates, and would do anything to make them happy, but he needed some time for himself too. When he'd asked to use the bathroom, he'd turned back time until it was an hour before sunset.

This was Thursday night after all, and since he wanted to do his animagus transformation, there was no better time to do it. Harry performed the magic that turned him incorporeal and invisible, and zipped through the school to his room, unnoticed by anyone.

He couldn't believe that only this morning, he'd been in transfiguration class. Then he'd gone and met Salazar, studied for hours, gone to Lucius's divorce hearing, gotten kidnapped by Metus, felt his mental barriers break completely, passed out, died, returned to find Tom had become unreachable, gone back in time, saved himself from dying, broken the laws of time and magic, nearly killed himself on purpose because he hadn't eaten since before class at breakfast, been forcibly fed, then he merged his bodies together and landed himself here, having escaped from his mates to perform the animagus transformation.

It had been a very long day. He went through the portal in his room, emerging into Nighthowlers and Orchids, whereupon he apparated to his gardens where he grew herbs. Sage was the twelfth row in, and he infused the plant with magic.

Harry waited until the plant visibly became more lush, and the scent intensified before picking two leaves from the plant. The recommendation from the book had been seven, but he didn't think he'd be making any mistakes. Call it arrogance if you will, but he wouldn't have the leaf in his mouth for very long.

He went back through the portal and entered his potions lab in his limitless library trunk. The table against the far wall already had a shallow rectangular dish, and he figured it would work perfectly well for his purposes.

Using his wand, he carved a slight gash in his arm, allowing the blood to spill freely into the dish. When it was deep enough to soak the leaves in, he healed his arm, leaving unblemished flesh behind in the wake of the injury.

The leaves Harry poked beneath the surface of the blood with his wand, and then began to weave magic through the two mediums, making the albumin bind to the glucose, which was the protein in the blood to the sugar in the plant. The step was much easier this way, and he was satisfied with the results.

Harry fished the leaves out with the tip of his wand, simultaneously drying them one after the other. It was soothing to him to have the processes be so simple, because throughout the day, he'd been through a lot of very trying situations, and had been feeling rather ineffectual.

With the leaves pinched carefully in his left hand, and his wand in his right, he left the trunk feeling a bit giddy. He was curious as to what animal he'd turn into, as well as anxious to know whether or not it would be able to help protect him from Metus. Would the aural difference between a wizard in their animagus form and a human wizard be enough to prevent detection?

That didn't so much matter right now though. With a spin for dramatic effect, he made himself incorporeal and invisible, and went down through the school to the potions classroom, which had an attached vault. He slid easily through a wall of the vault and inspected the shelves until he found a tiny vial labeled neatly as the 'Licary' potion. Quickly, he became corporeal.

Harry slipped his wand into its holster and took the vial in his right hand, making sure he had a good grasp on it before he turned once more immaterial. He silently whispered and apology to Sev for not asking first, but couldn't help the smile that crossed his features. He was just so excited!

Back in his trunk, Harry put a sage leaf under his tongue and immediately began the process of easing magic into it. The intent was to make the leaf deteriorate faster, and have the elements bind to the dormant magic in his saliva. He used magic to help secrete the saliva faster as well, otherwise the leaf wouldn't have enough to bond to.

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