thirty one

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Sebastian limbs ached and his muscles burnt. It had been a particularly long day at work, and it wasn't even lunchtime yet.

He had spent most of the morning digging, his knuckles tense around the rough handle of his shovel, his palms rapidly growing callouses. He didn't usually mind pushing his body to its limits; sometimes, he even welcomed the challenge. But he didn't have the energy today. He was tired, and he had spent the last few hours listening to Calvin ramble incessantly about his most recent date with Evan. Sebastian had given up listening thirty minutes ago.


At the sound of his Father's voice, Sebastian stopped digging, and dropped his shovel into the dirt.

Douglas spared a brief glance at Calvin, "Go take your break." He order dismissively, and watched as Calvin offered him a sheepish smile, before quickly scurrying away. Douglas turned back to face his son, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately, "Have lunch with me, Sebastian." It wasn't an offer - it was a command.

Sebastian recoiled at his Father's touch - it felt so unnatural to receive it. "I've got a packed lunch." He murmured in reply.

"C'mon, you've been at this all day." He gestured to the scattered debris around them, "You must be starving - let me buy you a proper meal."

Sebastian usually brushed off his Father's attempts to bond with him, but truthfully, he was starving, "Fine." He agreed begrudgingly.

"Winnie's?" Douglas suggested.

Sebastian stiffened instantly, "No."

"Why not?" Douglas frowned, "Their burgers are to die for-"

"I'm a vegetarian, remember?"

"Okay, well, they have other-"

"Dad." Sebastian cut him off, "Can we just go somewhere else? Please?"

Douglas stared at his son, his brows still drawn together in confusion, "Sebastian." He said shorty. He didn't need to say anything else - he knew that Sebastian would crumble under the weight of his heavy glare.

"I'm seeing someone." Sebastian blurted out, "And he works at Winnie's, so can we...please, can we go somewhere else?"

A smile tugged at the corners of Douglas' lips, and something close to pride shimmered in his eyes, "You're seeing someone?" He repeated slowly.

Sebastian pulled off his hard hat, and ran a hand through his messy curls, "Yes." He replied quietly, too ashamed to meet his Father's eye.

"The same boy who-?"

"Yes." Sebastian gritted out, "His name's Declan."

"Well, good luck keeping me away from Winnie's now." He grinned, "I've gotta meet this guy-"

"No." Sebastian insisted, latching onto his Father's arm instinctively, "Please, Dad-"

"Sebastian." Douglas shot back, "Let me be a part of your life." He pleaded, "I want to meet your boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend." Sebastian groaned. He didn't actually know whether that was true or not - he hadn't yet mustered the courage to broach the subject to Declan.

"Well, either way, I'd like to meet him." Douglas sounded so earnest, so sincere - Sebastian's walls immediately collapsed in on themselves.

"Fine." He agreed reluctantly, "But just...just don't embarrass me." He requested desperately.

Douglas' face lit up with excitement, and he squeezed Sebastian's shoulder playfully, "I can't make any promises." He teased.

Sebastian struggled to suppress the nerves that threatened to swell in chest as they approached the small diner. Despite trying his hardest to convince himself that he didn't care about his Father's opinion, deep down, somewhere within him that still clung to the childish desperation to please his parents, Sebastian wanted his Father's approval.

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