Another Short Chapter (Sorry)

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Kellin's Pov

Mayra and I sat down on the couch. She and I where tired from a day of running errands. My phone rang displaying an unknown number. I picked it up. "I'm gonna take this. Be right back." I waited for a nod and then walked into the other room. "Hello?" I heard a voice clear. "Hello Kellin. I'm guessing you and Mayra are a thing now? I'm not really even interested in that. I was calling because I plan filing for a divorce, not only that but I want custody of Copeland. You can see her according to the schedule we work out. I'll text you our court date. Have a good one." The line went dead. I honestly was too shocked to respond. But it hit me a few minutes after. Mayra and I talked it out and she gave me the 'breakup treatment' as she called it. We both got drunk, cried, ate icecream, watched a movie, violently flailed to the heaviest music we could find, and then we made out. We both fell asleep really quick so nothing was able to happen.

I woke up with a pounding head ache. My clothes where sticky and stained from chocolate icecream and red wine. Our hair was in pigtails, muscles ached, and apparently makeup was on both of our faces. We weren't exactly sexy. She took the first shower and then I took second. The rest of the day was quietly spent cleaning and sleeping.

Rolling around to the court date

I sighed and loosened my tie. Katelynn and I have joint custody. I get to see Copeland for dinners every week on monday and thursdays. We have 12 hours with her every other weekend. Mayra was crying slightly. She really loved Copeland. We all did. I sighed and hugged her tightly. "Everything will be ok. We'll get to see her." I said as I patted her back. 

(Again, I am so sorry that this is short. I have a bit of writers block. This chapter is dedicated to AyaatluvSWS-PTV you are awesome.) 

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