Bella and Miles

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Vic had stayed the night, I got about three hours of sleep though. At around 4 in the morning I got a call from the hospital saying Iris was in critical condition about an hour ago. Kellin, Katelynn, Vic and I were sitting here. I was sitting alone, in the waiting room wearing an old Slayer shirt and zebra pajama pants. I had my head in my hands so the silent tears wouldn't be noticeable. Vic was sleeping on the couch and Kellin and Katelynn were napping on the chair together. My father got to her. He lured her out the window and shot her. He told me himself over the phone. The doctor came in and I got everybody up. "Well?" I asked. He inhaled. "Ms. Phoenix, I'm afraid Iris won't be alive much longer. You are able to come and see her. But only immediate family." He said. His words hit me like tiny daggers. Kellin grabbed my hand. "Is he the father?" The doctor asked. "Yeah." Katelynn said. Kellin and I walked with the doctor to see her. "Iris!" I said as we entered her room. There were tubes and needles in her and machines, Iv's, and Blood bags hooked up to her. I sat down. "Mommy I really hurt." She groggily said. "Iris, I love you, I always have and always will. Daddy's here. Daddy is Kellin. It's a hard story and I just want you to know we're here." I said. Kellin and I were teary wrecks. "I-I know I-I wasn't t-there to b-be your f-father. I-Iris, I love you." He said kissing her head. "I love you too. Both of you." She said. "I love you." I said as the machine slowed. She turned her head to see me, Her eyes were glassy and her smile reassured me to stay strong. I watched her lively hazel eyes turn to a lifeless state. I dropped my smile and gave her a blank look. All I could register was that the machine gave a long beep. I blinked looking at my dead 3-year-old daughter. I couldn't handle anything right now.

Kellin's Pov

I saw her blank expression. Jessica stared at Iris. Tears streamed from her eyes. She sat up and kissed Iris's forehead and lifelessly walked passed me. I walked behind her struggling to get passed the nurses rushing to Iris's room. She ignored everyone and walked strait out of the hospital. I gave her her space.

Jessica's Pov

I walked until my knees gave out. I was in a clearing of a forest. I cried and cried and screamed out terrible things, blaming my 'father'. I screamed and cried until I passed out. I just wanna lay here and never wake up.

"She's waking up!" I heard a someone say. I opened my eyes and sat up. "Hello...Miss." A stranger said. I looked at her frizzy blonde hair that was lazily tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a Lakers jersey and gold skinny jeans. Holding her hand was a little boy with blonde hair like hers. He was wearing a striped shirt and regular jeans. "I'm Bella and this is my brother Miles. We saw you in our back yard and brought you in. Um, are you hungry?" She asked. I shook my head. "Yeah, um do you guys no my name?" I asked. She chuckled. "Rough night?" She asked. "I remember being at the hospital. But that's all." I said. "Oh, No I don't know you." She said. "You look like a Carson." Miles said. "That's a boys name!" She said. "I-I think my name is Iris or Phoenix..." I said. "Okay, Phoenix. Do you want pancakes?" Bella asked. "Yummy!" I smiled ear to ear. Miles and Bella laughed. "Ah, so she is awake...Hello there. I'm Claire." Said and older woman. She had short blonde hair and was wearing a pink blouse and khakis. "That is Phoenix, mom." Bella said. "Well, I think." I added. They chuckled. "Honey! Bella! Miles! I'm home!" A raspy voice called out. "Honey, This is Phoenix. She was passed out in our back yard. She doesn't remember a thing." Claire said. "Except that I was leaving a hospital." I shyly said. "Oh, she wasn't drinking was she?" The father asked. "She doesn't smell like alcohol...and she isn't a druggy either. I checked." Claire said. The father nodded. "Well Phoenix, Our home is your home. I'm Mitchell Meyers. That's my daughter Bella Meyers, My wife Claire Meyers, and son Miles Meyers." He smiled shaking my hand. I smiled.

After breakfast Bella took me to her room. "sit down and relax. Try to think of anyone you would know." She said. I closed my eyes and thought. "Hazel eyes, curly black hair, he sings, um...and he is in a band!" I said. She typed my description in. We went through several pictures until we came across a familiar one. She saved it to a folder in her laptop. "Type up anything you know about him." She said letting me type. She skimmed over what I was typing. We kept doing this until I remembered a little more. "Let's put in the name Iris Phoenix!" She said. "You really have a drive for my memory." I said. "What?" She chuckled. "You really wanna help me out." I said. "I'm practicing for being a detective." She smiled. I smirked. She typed in the name. A girl with curly shoulder length brown hair and big hazel eyes stared back at us. "The mother's name is Jessica Phoenix! Jessica is in a band, Feenix. Um, she has a three year old daughter named Iris May Phoenix. Recently won a Kerrang! award. Her boyfriend's name is Ashley Purdy of the Black Veil Brides. huh. Let's look up Jessica Phoenix." She said. "GET OFF THE FRIGGIN COMPUTER!" Miles yelled. She shut it and rolled her eyes. "Do you remember anything now?" She asked. I slowly nodded. "Very little." I said. She rolled her hands. "Um,, um...I was seeing a dead person!" I said. "It was a girl. Me and some guy, the one from earlier...we were crying and stuff." I said. She typed that up. "Anything else?" She asked. I pursed my lips and shook my head. "Nope." I sighed. "Well I just gotta get the guys name...and then maybe I can start connecting things." She said. "Nancy Drew!" I said. She chuckled. "You could be the next her!" I cheered. She laughed at my childishness.

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