Dont You Dare Let Go

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I laid my head back as Kellin laid down on the grass with me. "I love you Mayra." He said. I smiled up at the stars. "I love you too. I always will love you, no matter what." I said. Kellin kissed my hand. We chuckled. I love this man. Finally we are together. Nothing could stop us. If this was my last moment, it'd be perfect. I smiled at the peace I felt. I looked over to see a scared, teary eyed Kellin. I didn't understand. I tried moving but I was numb. I was seeing red and white. Now mostly white. What the hell?


It happened so quickly. I heard the loud bang. I looked up and then over. Mayra's father had a disgusting grin while the gun in his hands lifted to his temple. He pulled the trigger yet again. I almost threw up at the sight. I looked over at Mayra. She was......bleeding? It sunk in and I panicked. I started to tear up. "911 wha-" "M-my girlfriend got shot! I need an ambulance." "Right away." She said I hung up and started applying pressure to her shoulder. I saw her calm look. It almost made me mad. "Calm down. I love you..." She choked out. I felt tears rush as I heard sirens. "I love you so much. Why are you crying?" She choked. "S-shh....Don't t-talk." I said through tears. She nodded as I felt her breathing slow. She became frail in my arms. "No! NO! Don't you dare let go!" I yelled trying to safe her. I saw policemen and paramedics surround us. The officers pulled me aside to question me. I watched them take her white SWS shirt off. They were yelling at each other. "She's loosing too much blood!" I felt panic rise inside me. "Sir?" I heard the young woman say. "Yes officer?" I snapped back into reality, answering there questions.

A few weeks later I got a call. "Mr. Quinn, This is dr. Leslie. We have some unfortunate news about Jessica Phoenix."

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