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After leaving California I moved in with my sister. After a year she married some Indie singer and they moved in together in Orange County Florida. I was successful in my singing career. Well I changed my name, Jessica Phoenix. I've been a successful lead singer in a band called Feenix. (<Fake Band) I had Kellin's kid. I named her Iris May Phoenix. My band, Marky Tomas-Drummer, Lay Higland-Bassist, Sierra Turner-Guitarist, and Samuel Gretchen-Back up singer. We all moved out to California and got a deal with Hopeless Records.

"Hurry your slow ass up!" Lay yelled. "Hold your ovaries!" I yelled back as I put my nose ring in. I ran into the room and smiled. "You look hot!" Sierra said. "Marky!" I yelled. He stumbled in with Samuel. "Stop fucking around! We need to go! Kerrang! Is going to be pissed!" I whined. We all ran to the van and drove really fast

We stood at our place and waited patiently. I looked over and saw Vic with his band. I smiled and ran up to my good friends Black Veil Brides. We open for them sometimes. They were just standing around. I jumped on Ashley's back. "Hi!" I smirked. "Hey Jess." Jake smirked. "Jessica Phoenix where!" Ashley said with a girly voice. "On top." I said. "Really?" He said setting me down and kissing me. I laughed. "How's it going?" I asked Andy. He shrugged. "Cool." I said. "Here," CC handed me a drink. "Ah ha! thanks." I sipped some. "JESS! NOW!" Sam dragged me away. I waved goodbye before re-uniting with my band. "So Jessica? How does it feel to win your first Kerrang! Award?" The interviewer asked. "It's amazing. I couldn't be more happier to hold this in my hands." I smiled. We posed as they took our picture. The awards went on for awhile then Vic came up to me. "Hey Jessica, right?" He shook my hand. "Yup." I said. I was wearing that locket he gave me. "How are you?" He asked. I chuckled. "Peachy." I smirked. "Oh, cool. I was wondering if you wanted to open for my band some time." He said. "Sure, why not." I said. "Hey, Jess. Your sitter is calling." My manager said. I nodded. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, yeah I was wondering when you'll be home." She asked. "In an hour or so." I said. "Ok. My parents wanted to know." I nodded. "How is Iris?" I asked. "She's sleeping." The sitter said. "Cool. Hey listen I really have to go. Bye." I said hanging up and giving my manager his phone. Vic and I started talking. Then Marky came over. "Hey." I said. "That Ashley dude is asking for you." He said. "Cool. Welp, bye Vic." I said popping the 'p'.

"Hey." I said hugging Ashley. "Do you feel like singing? For the camera?" He asked pointing to the camera. I shrugged. "Can you play Iris-Goo Goo dolls?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled.

Kellin's Pov

I started to hear Mayra's voice sing. I smiled and dragged Vic so we could see her. But it wasn't her, it was Jessica Phoenix. I watched her intently. When she opened her eyes they were brown. Her hair was brown and blonde. She was like Mayra but changed slightly. I noticed a necklace around her neck. I smiled at her. She didn't pay attention though. When they finished singing we both clapped along with her band and a few other people. Then she and Ashley Purdy kissed. I dropped the smile.

Jessica's Pov

Ashley and I kissed when we finished. "Ashica! Ashica!" Sierra, Lay, Sam, and Marky cheered. I flipped them off. When we separated from the kiss, Ash put his arm around my waist. I noticed Kellin and Vic....But there is no way they can recognize me.

Ash and I walked down the red carpet alone. Out of nowhere he started kissing me and grabbing my ass. I put my arms around his neck and kissed back. We intensely made out until Sierra yelled, "GET A ROOM!" I groaned. "Fine!" Ashley grabbed my hand and pulled me to a closet or something. I dunno. Then, you kiss lead to more and those lead to other things.

I walked back to my band with Ashley's arm around my waist and in my back pocket. "Well, well, welly, well, well." Marky teased. "Did you fuck her?" Sam asked. "Classified." Ashley said. They all groaned in response. "Ash! We're all about leave. Are you coming?" Andy asked. "Yeah. One sec." Ash said kissing me and squeezing my ass while doing so. I laughed. "Bye." I said. "Bye." He said and left. "Gross." Sierra joked. "Hey Mayra!" A voice called. I looked back at some random guy. He's probably talking to somebody else.

Kellin's Pov

"She looked back at me." The guy said. "Cool." I said. He walked off. "Let's just ask her about the locket." I gave up.

"Hey, I noticed you wear that in a lot of pictures." I said. "She does." Marky Tomas added. "Can we please see what's inside!?!" Her drummer whined. "Nah, nothing much just a high school picture." She said. "Really! Lemme see!" Sierra Turner grabbed it from her neck. "HEY!" 'Jessica' yelled. "Who are the guys?" Sierra asked. "No one." 'Jessica' whined as she tried to get it from her hands. "See?" She showed Marky and then us. We nodded and held in our 'MAYRA!' It was us alright. "Give it!" 'Jessica' took it from Sierra's hands and put it on.

Right before they left I pulled 'Jessica' aside. "Hey." She smiled. "Mayra, don't bullshit. Did you have the kid?" I asked. "No. I miscarried." She said. I hugged her. "Don't bother me, I left for a reason." She said as she pushed me away. She walked off back to her band.

Jessica's Pov

"Why are you crying?" Sierra asked. I wiped away my tears and sniffled. "No reason. I need to get home." I said. The van ride was silent.

I walked into my house and turned the lights on. I sighed. "Bye Ms. Phoenix!" The sitter waved as she left. I walked into Iris's room. "Hey honey." I said. She recently turned three. "Hi mommy." She said. "I saw these people last night." I pointed to Vic and Kellin as I showed her my locket. "Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Yup." She giggled. "Ok honey, you need to go to sleep." I said. She yawned. "Love you." I said but she was already asleep. I turned the lights out and sat on the couch and watched TV.

An hour later someone knocked on my door. I sighed and got up to answer it. "Bull shit! You didn't fucking miscarry!" Kellin yelled. "What?" I asked. "Iris May Phoenix. It's not hard to find information! Wikipedia, Wiki answers, Interviews! Seriously!?!" He yelled. "Mommy..." Iris said walking into the room rubbing her eyes. "Is that her?" Kellin asked me. I saw the tears in his eyes as he smiled down at Iris. "Y-yeah." I said. "Who's this, mommy?" She asked. "Can I?" Kellin asked. "It's Kellin." I said. I picked Iris up and let Kellin hold her. She giggled. "Hi." Kellin said crying tears of joy. I cried slightly too. Iris fell asleep in his arms. "She's beautiful." Kellin said to me. I nodded. He hugged me and we slightly cried.

After we put Iris in her bed Kellin and I talked in the living room. "I know I made a mistake of leaving you guys. I should have stayed back." Kellin said. I nodded. "I want to see her more though." He said. "I don't think that's a good idea. Katelynn and Copeland, That's one of the reasons why I left. You can not, ever, leave them for me and Iris. She's been fine without a father for three years now. I think she can make it." I said. "At least let me be around her. We can act like we're good friends, I can bring Katelynn and Copeland over too. It'll be great!" He said. I sighed. "How about this weekend. Iris turned 3 on the 6th. We can celebrate belatedly." I offered. He nodded. "Yeah, sounds amazing. I have to go before Katelynn worries anymore. Bye." He said. We hugged and he left. What has become my life?

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