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This chapter is dedicated to PierceTheHearts Here's your stupid part ;) 

Katelynn dropped Copeland off at my house and quickly left. Mayra and her talked for a little bit while I made dinner. 

We all sat down at the table to eat. Copeland told us how she was doing and the missed us. Mayra choked up a little when she said that. She put her hand over her mouth and responded that she missed her too. Katelynn came to pick her up at eight. 

"Did you have fun?" Katelynn asked Copeland. "Yeah! I had a lot of fun. Mommy, can I spend the night soon! Pleaasee?!" Mayra started to cry a little. "Did he tell you to say that?" Kate asked her. "You are heartless you know that?!" Mayra spat as tears poured down her cheeks. "Why in the hell would we tell her to ask you that? So she can be as fucked up as I was? No. She was ripped from her father by her bitch of a mother. Instead of running to the courts so you can take his only living child, try working it the fuck out. You disgust me, Katelynn." I watched Mayra walk away. Well Damn. Katelynn looked up at me and huffed. "I'll work something out, ok?" She said to the both of us. Copeland cheered loudly. "Tell Daddy goodbye." Katelynn said. I smiled and hugged Copeland tightly. "Bye dad!" She waved as Katelynn walked her to the car. 

I walked inside to see Mayra watching The Walking Dead on the couch. She had a tub of ice cream in her arms and a few beer cans were spread on the floor. "Babe?" She looked up at me and sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out like that. I think a part of it is that I-miss my little girl." Her voice cracked towards the end. "I know. Kate is going to work something out and we'll be able to see Copeland very soon." I comforted as I sat beside her. She smiled and nodded. "I think I'm going to shower and then go to bed." Mayra put the lid on the icecream and then walked over to the freezer to put it back. "Ok. I'll probably go hang out with Vic. I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." I watched her walk away. 

"Hey man." Vic smiled. I smiled back, "Hey what's up?" He rolled his eyes. "The sky.....So how's Mayra?" I sighed, "Honestly, A little on edge." He nodded as if he understood. "The best thing to do is just have fun. When we were younger I'd take her to parties but she's a lot calmer than she was then. Try a concert or something like that." I nodded. "Let's go have some fun, bro." I laughed at his choice of words. "Ok, bro." I mocked. 

"Hey!" Vic whined. We were both a little drunk. "You've *hiccup* had enough!" I slurred. "fine, jeez mom. I'mma call a cab." I nodded and swayed to the bathroom. 

I walked out of the door and into a girl. "Hey! You're kellin quinn!" She smiled. She had slightly tan skin, a supermodel body, blonde hair, and barely any clothes on. "Hi there." I smiled. "My name's Bethany. Wanna go get some drinks at my place?" I smiled and nodded. "Sure." Bethany and I walked out of the bar together and that's all I remember.

Mayra's Pov

I woke up to the annoying sound of twitter. My head hurt a little and I felt bloated. Oh Joy. I unlocked my phone and waited for twitter to load what everyone was mentioning me under. 

@ bethany_thebadi  Look who i found at the #bar !! OMG It's bae!!! #sws #sexy #bae #hopefullynotaonenightstand

I looked at the three pictures. The girl in these pictures was distastefully dressed. She looked like a 70lbs. orange with overly bleached highlights and about 2 inches of roots. Her makeup was smeared slightly. She had blue all over her eyes, her cat eye was way too long and round, her under eye makeup was white, she did way too much contouring, her lips looked like someone jizzed on them and she had the crappiest fake eyelashes on. I couldn't help but cringe. She had one picture where her and Kellin were a little too close, and a little too drunk. He had fake tan and glitter on his cheek. The second was a picture of her making a duckface in bed laying next to kellin. Both of them were poorly covered by the ugly zebra print sheets. And in the last picture the girl had Kellin's face in her lap and up her trashy green skirt. She took a horrible mirror selfie in that picture. She was trying to make a sexy face but turned out looking 'special'. 

The comments were filled with at mentions. Such as Kellin, Katelynn, Vic, and I's twitter. I gained about 20,000 followers for some odd reason. And people were making so much fuss about #Kellic and #Mellin being over. 

after reading a few heartbroken tweets along with Vic and this Bethany girl responding It finally sunk in:  I had been cheated on. 

This felling sucked. I felt depressed like I wanted to crawl into bed and cry while watching sad movies in french on netflix. I also felt angry like I was going to murder kellin and the bitch he cheated on me with. But then I felt nothing. 

I cheated on him once. I was drunk. I didn't look like snooki though. But I cheated on him. And with his best friend. I felt like this was an unplanned revenge. But I was still sad and angry. 

Kellin and I will just talk about it when he comes home. But right now I'm going back to bed.


Hey! Thank you for reading this chapter! If you like it please vote. If you have any feedback or ideas leave it in the comments! Sorry this took so long I am currently working on 3 other chapters for older stories and about to publish 2 new stories. 

Hopefully I have made up for so many short chapters. I'll try to write these as much as I can. I have a little over 2k reads so Thank You!!! So very much! And I have almost 90 votes which is very very amazing aswell! 

Please overlook any mistakes or typos I have made I'm not Gerard Way or anything so...yeah. 

:) :D :3 Peace!! :) :D :3

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