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"Ms. Herophine." My music teacher stopped me. "Yes Mr. Bea?" I said. "I got your video assessment. I will survive, right?" I nodded. "Your voice is just excellent. Better than anything I have heard in this school." He said. "I'm flattered, but I know I suck. I have to go now." I said leaving for art.

"Hello Mayra!" Mrs. H's voice cheered. "Hi." I said. I was in front of my class. "You are an amazing artist. You know that?" She said. I nodded. "Y-Yes." I said. She smiled. "I have an assignment for you." She said as I came closer to her. "You have to sketch me a picture of someone from your family." I nodded. "I'll get it done." I said before going to my desk. I got out a piece of nice paper and began drawing Vic. I was almost done until my teacher said, "Mr. Fuentes! So nice of you to join us!" He groaned but smiled. I put away my picture and started drawing my sister. "Hey." He said as he sat down. "Hi." I said giving my sister her signature short hair. "Oh! What's this?" He said grabbing my picture of him from underneath. My pencil went across the paper. "Shit!" I said quietly. "I like it...One thing, my di-" I cut him off. "Gross! Just let me finish!" I said. He sat it down on my desk and smiled. He started doodling a monkey on his paper. Then he drew a panda. I smiled. Then he drew a wolf. "What's that for?" I asked. "Me, You, and Kellin." He said pointing to the monkey, panda, and wolf. "I do love pandas." I said. He put a sombrero on all of the animal's heads. I chuckled. I started coloring in Vic and soon after I finished. "Very nice. I will sign it myself." He said writing his name. I smiled.

I brought the drawing up to Mrs. H. "Who is this?" She asked. "My brother." I said. "It looks like Mr. Fuentes." She said. I nodded. "It's my brother." I said. She nodded and gave me an A+. I smiled at her as the bell rang. Vic and I walked to lunch.

"Hey." Kellin said. "Hey." Vic said sitting down. Then some chick sat down. Leaving me no where to sit. "Hey baby." The girl said. Kellin kissed her. I felt my heart tear slightly. Vic gave me a worried look. But I just turned around and walked out of the cafeteria, dumping my food in the trash.

I sat down under the old bleachers. I hugged my knees and cried quietly to myself. I never, ever liked a boy before. I had a crush on Vic once but I knew he wouldn't feel the same so I dropped it. I sighed shakily as I heard footsteps. I looked up to see that girl. "Hey." I said. "Listen, stay the fuck away from Kellin. I will severely hurt you if you don't." She said before walking away. But she marched back to kick me and hit me. I didn't cry, I just sat there. She couldn't hurt me as much as my parents had. But it still hurt a little.

Vic's Pov

I ran out with Kellin. "She always sits under the old bleachers!" I said with a slight panic. "She isn't going to try and kill herself." He said. His girlfriend walked up to us and smiled. "Don't worry. We talked. She said she won't be here for long." She fluttered her eyelashes and hung all over him. He gave me a look before shoving her slightly. "C'mon!" I said practically dashing to the old bleachers.

I saw her sitting there, she had her head on her knees, back against a beam, she was crying and mumbling stuff to herself. I sighed. Kellin noticed she wasn't trying to kill herself either. "Mayra!" Kellin yelled. She wiped her eyes and I guessed thanked herself for not wearing make-up. "Oh hey...Kellin." She smiled. He hugged her tightly. She blushed. "KELLIN!" Kellin's Girlfriend scream. "Hey Mindy!" He said. She ripped him away from Mayra and then tackled her. Mayra hit her head and wasn't moving. I panicked. Mindy was ripping at her clothes, scratching her face, beating her, and screaming. "Mindy! Stop!" Kellin yelled. I grabbed Mindy's hair and pulled so hard she screamed. She held the back of her head. "Get away from Me, Get away from Her, And don't ever bother him again." I said sternly. She looked at me with tears in her eyes before she ran off. Mayra groaned and sat up.

Kellin's Pov

I'm glad Vic told Mindy to leave us alone. She was crazy. Mayra sat up and groaned. Me and Vic sat next to her. "She only tore your shirt and scratched your face." I said. She chuckled. "She is so weak." Mayra touched her face and noticed a little blood. "I pulled her hair." Vic said. She smiled. "Thanks." He kissed her cheek. I felt slightly jealous. I don't know why. "I'm tired." She said snuggling into Vic. He looked at me and said "Ouch." He winked at me. "Sorry." She said before snuggling into me. I blushed slightly. Vic smiled. She looked up at me and smiled. "You're so nice." She said. I leaned in slightly and before I knew it, we kissed.

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