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Kellin's Pov

I yawned slightly and looked up to see light. I looked over to see Mayra cuddled into me. I smiled down and kissed her forehead. I don't regret what happened. But I felt guilty for cheating. She stirred beside me and buried her head deeper into my chest. I slid out from her grip and got dressed into what I had on from last night. I went into her kitchen and started cleaning to make breakfast.

About an hour or so later Mayra came out in a pair of boy shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. I smiled and hugged her. She blushed. "I'm sorry." She said silently. "Don't be...Listen; I love you. You are an amazing person. But we have to keep this a secret until I can do something about it." I said. She nodded. "I won't tell if you don't." She smirked. I smiled and



Mayra's Pov

"Hello Ms. Herophine." The receptionist smiled. I smiled nervously. Soon enough a guy came out a brought me to a recording studio. I sat down and we talked. Soon after that he wanted to here me live. I sat in the booth and in front of a microphone. I thought of a song and started singing Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low.

When I stopped I heard multiple claps. I looked up to see Vic, Jaime, Tony, and Mike with Kellin and Katelynn who was holding Copeland. Guilt hit me like a bullet. But I forced a smile.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked a little nauseas. "We wouldn't want to miss you sing for Fearless Records for the first time!" Vic said hugging me. "You nailed it!" Katelynn said. "Thanks. I like what you did with your hair." I complimented. "Thank you." She said smiling as she sat Copeland on the leather couch. Kellin wrapped his arm around her and smiled. "You did great." Kellin smirked. I nodded feeling like I was going to die. Guilt was twisting my insides apart. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." I said walking out of the room.

Kellin's Pov

I noticed her paling face. She looked sick. Vic noticed it too. He gave me a confused look as soon as Mayra left. Vic walked out after her.

When they didn't come back for 4 minutes I decided to leave the room and find them.

"Vic, I can't. He'd kill me. I gotta leave." She said in a voice. A, 'I'm crying and just threw up oh and something is seriously wrong' voice. "No. You can't leave now. You have the record deal and-" "They haven't told me whether or not they want me. Listen, just tell them I was sick and left." She said. "Fine." Vic gave up and walked out of the hall they were in. I ran back to the recording room. Vic came back in. "Where's Mayra?" Katelynn asked. "She went home She was sick." He lied. But we all nodded. "Tell her she needs to come back Wednesday. I wanna here her sing once more before I decide." The record producer said before walking out. We all

left after he did.

Mayra's Pov

I entered my house and immediately packed my bags. I heard my phone go off a billion times but I ignored it. I ran to the bathroom to throw up before hearing the door being banged on. I looked out my window to see Kellin and Vic there. I hid the bags and faked a smile before running down to see them.

"Hey! I was about to call you." I said. "Bull. Vic told me on the way here." Kellin said. I slammed the door and got out my bags to finish packing. I hoped they left. But they were outside talking when I peeked out my window. I finished and ran to pee.

When I came out Kellin and Vic were inside the house. "What the hell!?" I said pissed off. "Mayra tell him." Vic said. "You already did." I said. "Yeah you were going to leave! Why?"

Kellin asked. "I can't tell you." I said on he verge of tears. "Please." Kellin said. Vic gave me a 'go on' look. "I might be...I think I might be..." I trailed off. "Sick? Dying? What?" Kellin asked. I knew he probably knew what I was going to say, just hoping I wouldn't say it. Vic hugged me as I cried. "Mayra, She's saying that she might be pregnant." Vic said to Kellin. I tried to hug him but he pushed me away and left. Vic gave me a hurt look and left with him. From that moment on I felt broken and numb. But I enclosed it and don't feel anything. I just walked upstairs and packed my bags to leave. I called my sister as I walked out of my empty closet. I grabbed my piggy bank and threw it across the room to make it shatter into billions of pieces. I grabbed my life savings out and gathered a few things I cared about into my purse. Three bags and my purse. I got my guitar and put it in it's case. I left that red dress and anything that belonged to

Kellin or Vic on the bed. I only kept the locket and a few pictures of them.

"Hey Sis!" My sister greeted. "Hey, Can I stay at your place with you?" I asked sheepishly"Yes! Yes of course! I live in Michigan now." She said."Thanks. What's your address?" I asked groggily. "Uh, here." She gave me her address. "Happy Birthday, sorry I didn't call." She apologized. "It's fine, see ya' soon." I hung up as I began walking to the airport. My car battery is dead.

"One ticket to Michigan." I said. "$109.86 is your total." The woman said. I gave her the money and went to my flight gate. I went through everything and did all of that, then I was able to get on the plane and leave California.

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