*Just A Few Updates (Please, Please Read)*

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I have recently gone through a major turning point in my life. It's crazy and super complicated to explain. 

I was going through my Create thing and looking at all the story ideas I have, and let me tell you there are a FUCKTON. Most of them are Gerard way because I am very obsessed with MCR and anything to do with it. 

School will be starting soon which means I won't have a lot of free time but I swear I will publish as frequently as I can! 

Okay so now for some story news. 

I'm getting some good ideas for some things to happen. I will probably be ending this story a few chapters from now. I'm not sure If I will do a sequel yet. If you want a sequel than say so. I would definitely be up for writing one if enough people would want one. I also am deciding on a happy ending or a sad ending. I'm not really sure about that one either. 

Okay now for the weather.....

Just kidding... I would love it if you checked out a few of my other works though,

SiN f.i. 

(A frank iero love story that I am really into writing. I'll probably be throwing in a bit of ferard too. It's really good and i would love if you would check it out. Link below, holmes.vvvvvvvvv)


Something's Gotta Give |Alex Gaskarth|

(Obviously an Alex Gaskarth lovestory. I go into detail a lot which makes it sound nicer and smoother. If you like all time low and tattoos you should most definitely check it out vvvvv)


Boy Next Door

(This features Andy Sixx and a girl named Corey...Oh and Kellin Quinn! It's kind of like a love triangle type thing but it doesn't dwell on that too much. It is *i think* my second popular story that I have published as of now. It's cool, I recommend you try it out vvvv)


OkAY! So now that i have advertised a few stories of mine I would like to end on a very big thank you! 

I'll be writing a lot so hopefully I can post a chapter by Sunday. No promises but I will try. 

Peace the outs! 

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