New Book!

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I still remember how much I loved writing this book. I've been reading a lot of your comments and know that I can make this book a lot better. I'm not going to be on this account anymore but please go follow me over at my other one, marie2266 to find books similar to this one! I just finished my new book, book one in my series. 

I'll be publishing it within the week. It's called 'His Angel'. Here's the sneak peek for all of you amazing readers.

This is just what I need. Being here, in his arms. My hope. My future. My safety. My Daddy. My escape. Nothing is better than having him and loving him. Nothing else in the whole damn world. He's the only thing I'll ever need.

Camila Jackson is a normal girl battling something terrible. Her own mind. When Xavier Wolfe moves to town and they meet in class, everything seems to become both easier and more complicated. Their growing feelings don't magically make her better, no matter how hard they try to believe it.

When they discover each other's love of everything kinky, their relationship grows to new heights. Will it be enough to help Camila battle her demons or will it all come crashing down?

Camila is his Angel. Xavier is her Daddy. Join them on this ride called life.

His Angel (Book One of the 'His' series)

I've been working on this book for a while now and I'm so excited to finally publish it! I really hope you guys check it out and let me know what you think! I'm thinking about rewriting this book to join that series as well! Maybe actually make it what it was supposed to and have the focus on Dominants Academy? Let me know what you think!

Don't worry, I'll leave this up for anyone who might want to read it still but one for a little while! If I start rewriting it, I'll take it down. 

Until next time. Love you guys!

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