The Shadow People

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The same Minotaur that eats humans like sandwiches and is a half bull!?

What the actual fuck!?
I'm gonna die!
If he knows we're here, he'll kill us!!

Ofcourse yes!!
This is his maze!!
It's his prison!
And he might jump here any minute!

Cold sweat accumulated on the top of my head.

She was talking about one of the most dangerous mythical creatures of the history like he was a dog.

I have to convince her to leave soon.

"Can we please leave?" I asked fearfully.

"Hey it's fine" She looked at me and smiled with her pearly-whites.
Her smile can actually win any war. She melted my heart instantly.

"We both go for lunch every weekend, so he pretty much likes me. Although, we don't have the same taste in food, but he does love sleeping in grass and playing football, which is kinda common ground for both of us. So, it's cool!" She assured me like she was talking about Tom from work!!


He might like her, but not me.

I can't argue with her.
I don't want her to abandon me here.
In this fricking maze!
I just want her to finish this as soon as she can.

She was constantly making turns, and finally she made ziv enter the grass wall directly instead of any entrance.

I had to embrace myself and close my eyes to protect myself from the sharp twigs.

Suddenly, we were in a corner block with no exit.
It was just a square space without any entry or exit.
This must be a secret place!

I noticed a tombstone at one end.

Oh! This is the grave!

She got off ziv and stood in front of the grave, while me and ziv just observed from the background.

She closed her eyes and mumbled spells under her breath.
Spells, that neither I knew about, nor could comprehend.

I'm so behind her.
She's younger than me, yet more knowledgeable and powerful.

Maybe this is her key.

Of course it is!

She's so courageous, that's why she can stand against Albedo and this is the reason she can escape as many times as she wants to!

"Purgare polvere, vuka dels morts" She had her eyes closed while chanting repeatedly.

Soon, I felt the rumbling of the ground.


Don't tell me she's doing this!


There can't be any other explanation!!

The ground shook violently and cracked through the grave.

There was a lot of dust, so I covered my mouth when I sneezed twice.

Erena stopped reciting her spell.

I tried to look through the thick cover of dust and that's when I saw it.

A creature.

Another being of darkness.

It protruded from the earthen suface.

I'm destined to HIM {𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 #1}Where stories live. Discover now