56. The Emperor Disturbed

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The Emperor of Heaven was holding court.

It was actually a pretty important meeting. He didn't hold court that often anymore and when he did it was usually over something petty that other people were plenty capable of dealing with without him having to really even know that it was going on. It was amazing how much time you could waste with unnecessary meetings and it seemed like Drulvenus was the master of it.

Being the Emperor of Heaven wasn't as authoritative as one might expect it to be. It had been in the past, when he was younger and the deities that made up the Heavenly Realm were fewer in number.

Back then Drulvenus had reigned over the Heavenly Realm as the Emperor and back then that had actually meant something. He'd told people what to do and they'd listened to it. One look from him had been enough to scare even the most senior of them.

He still had as many followers but things were different now.

These days, it was a lot more like herding cats that were in turn herding their own cats, who were herding their own cats.

It was cats.

It was cats the whole way down. An ever increasing cat pyramid scheme. For just two payments of £99.98 you too could have a position in the heavens where no-one listens to you.

Most of the duties of the job as Emperor were looking busy whilst also looking pretty and that stuff took a lot of effort and money to achieve.

Whilst he was thinking about it, Drulvenus made sure to pencil in his appointment with a Goddess of Beauty about his hair.

Today however was going to be different, in that it was already busy. He was currently embroiled in an argument with several council members who were pretty pissed off that he hadn't told them personally, that Dythos wasn't one hundred percent dead. Many of them had helped finance the God of Wheat's statue in the memorial garden within the palace of the Emperor and were feeling now that maybe it didn't need to have been quite so expensive or big... or gold.

But there's no takesies backsies on war memorial art, so they were just going to have to get over themselves.

It was time to move on.

Someone had burst in through what was meant to be a heavily guarded door at a rather opportune moment. He didn't want to listen to their complaints over what really wasn't that expensive of an object all things considered.

There were things in Heavenly City that could easily dwarf the cost of both the memorial statues people barely even noticed. At least their money went to something that they could look at once a year and say to people 'Yeah I helped build that.' Someone must have gotten laid because they bragged about throwing a few coins to a cause they hadn't even participated in.

Deities that hadn't even left the four walls of the city. Some of them hadn't even visited the lower city in aeons.

Dythos had still been a hero even though he hadn't died. Bravery on the battlefield wasn't measured by how dead you were at the end of it. Whether you lived or died what mattered was what you did when the chips were down.

And you wouldn't know what you were made of until the dice were thrown.

The previous God of War's sacrifice of his life for the sake of everyone living in the Heavenly Realm and everyone that was to come, was certainly something to be applauded and memorialised. He was a martial god. War and all of it's horrors were something that he was expected to face.

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