58 - Identified Botanical Takeover

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By the time that both Thinas the God of the Forest and Mother Willow had gathered at the Emperor's palace, the rogue plant life had made its way into the upper city. Winding its way around the mansions, palaces and departmental offices of the most influential.

Panic had truly taken hold of the citizens by now. Those not lost beneath the giant leaves and twisting stems had taken refuge on the Emperor's front steps but even at the summit of the hill they were not safe.

Thin tendrils could be seen reaching only several metres from where they were currently seeking shelter.

No-one knew what to do.

Any attempt to cut or burn the vines back lead to a piercing screaming sound being emitted from somewhere down in the middle city. Those who persisted with their cutting after inducing the screams were dragged into the writing mass of vines disappearing from sight. Held against their will along with everyone else unlucky enough to get in the mysterious vine's path.

Drulvenus and several advisors were standing at the safety rail of the throne room balcony, overlooking the chaos that was happening below with worried faces. Thinas and Mother Willow rushed over to them, across the wide balcony only to see the first hair thin vines make their way up the white steps of the palace.

Whatever needed to be done to stop this, needed to be done an hour ago but right now was the second best option available to them.

Other deities, mostly those that had managed to escape the middle city before it had been clogged with plant life were making their way out of the edge of the tangled jungle where it thinned on the steps up to the palace doors. Gathering together with those that had been quick enough to flee the vines and make their way here before its arrival.

Those who had made this arduous journey up the hill were angry and standing as far as they could away from the vines which were still growing towards them. Some were banging on the door demanding to be let in so that they could seek shelter inside. The others were shouting demands that the Emperor do something about the botanical problem and that 'doing' should be happening sooner rather than later.

People had things to do, places to be. It wasn't a big ask for the Emperor of the Gods to actually do his job.

There were prayers out there going unanswered right as we speak.

As Drulvenus hesitated with what to do, Mother Willow side eyed him. The vines were now reaching the bottom of the fancy decorative columns the palace had placed all around the sides of the complex, tendrils starting to entwine their way around the glistening stone making its way towards them at breakneck speed.

Even being at the highest place in the entirety of the Heavenly Realm wasn't something that would keep them safe or even slow the spread as much as they had hoped it would. They were just as trapped here as they would have been if they had stayed back in their homes.

No-one had any news from anyone that lived in the lower city. The situation down there was completely unknown.

Drulvenus finally sent some of the guards to gather everyone into the throne room and conference suites for their safety. He also assigned some to man the doors in case anyone else managed to escape the twisting vines and to bar the door should the vines try to creep inside of the building.

After this vital task for everyone's safety was carried out, the Heavenly Emperor rushed to catch up with Mother Willow and Thinas on what was happening throughout the entire city.

At some time early that morning people had noticed the vines at a park down in the middle city near the gate leading into the lower city. No one had really paid them any mind as it wasn't uncommon for the deities involved with plants to experiment on things wherever there was space to do so.

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