Quantum Physics

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She tried to convince me not to come with her but i had more reason to do so. I was going with her because i knew i was the only person in this world that could protect her, and because whoever knew who she was and what she could do, probably knew who i was too. I "borrowed" my uncle's truck and picked her up at 11:30 with the headlights off. She jumped out of her window onto the roof of her garage and slid down onto the grass next to it. She slid next to me in the passenger seat and looked pale. I grabbed her hand.

"Hey, it's going to be okay"

She flashed me a weak smile and we drove off into the dark night. I'd spent the last ten minutes looking at the sky, trying to find the moon, but the sky stared black and empty back at me. Everything was just eerie.

"It's a new moon"

She was staring out the window and her words almost blew away with the wind.

"You into astronomy?"

"I like Quantum physics actually"

She liked Quantum physics. The road in front of us was empty and the only sound was the motor. I had to think of anything i knew about Quantum...

"They recently discovered meta-materials that enhance wireless power"

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. My mission to impress her was heading in the right direction. We sat in silence again as the lights of east Padmore appeared. They told her not to bring anyone and me coming along anyways was putting us both in danger. But i was probably the strongest person in this state and i'd fight anyone or anything to prove it.

We stepped out and i grabbed her hand, reminding her i was here to protect her. She clicked on her phone and it was 11:52. There was a single streetlamp in the playground and it cast it's light onto two swings nearby. We walked over and sat down. I breathed in and felt the cold wind cut in my throat. This was horrible. We were waiting but we didn't know for who. There was no one around and the closest civilization was a mile away.

"Do you have any hidden talents?"

I tried to break the tension and relax her but she didn't answer. I ended up just reminding her of why we were there. I swung back and forth softly and the sound of the squeaking chains kept us company.

Maybe if i distracted her....

"Does... Dave know you're talking to me?"

She was scraping the tip of her sneakers on the graveled floor and didn't look up.

"I don't care what Dave thinks, we're not together"

That was great news but it still hurt for some reason.

"Benjamin told me you were"

"Why would Benjamin be talking about Dave and me, with you?"

She smirked at me and i knew i'd been checkmated. I laughed. Should i answer or not?

"I just asked him how you were doing" I shrugged.

She shook her head letting out a shaky laugh and she looked more relaxed.

I felt a cold round-shaped object touch my back and just when i wanted to turn around to see what it was, everything went black.

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