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Thank you all for taking us shopping and feeding is lunch in the food court at Arden mall.

We all told them they were welcome. Drew reminded them to keep their visas in their new wallets she bought them that would protect someone from going by and skimming their credit card, licenses and health card information.

We all left them after we brought their stuff up to their bedrooms. They immediately dipped into their gifts and we laughed as we exited their bedrooms to leave .

Barry I am glad you had the sex talk with Malcom. Me too .I  was glad he didn't get embarrassed when you handed me your banana and I showed them all the proper way to put a condom and remove it safely. Some of the on lookers learned as you could tell while others weren't happy.  Nina but when you pulled out your badge telling them they were going off to college. I couldn't believe some adults applauded me while some said too young for sex. I liked how Tommy said it may of not been the best location but if it could prevent diseases and possible pregnancies so be it.  Yup they were all quiet than. We could just hear others ordering food and the other noises. Nina I rather have them know how than not to be. I thought Kim and Tabitha and TJ went over with them about safe sex. They did but he probably didn't pay attention or forgot.  

We all were receiving texts from the 6 graduates in group texts from each one thanking us for everything from the beginning when they entered the mansion until now and for all the gifts too. What most stood out when
each one told us all they felt supported even when they screwed up but no one gave up on them. They felt truly loved.

Maur was inside now with us watching a movie after we got cleaned up and dressed. Maur started crying.

Maur it's okay to cry. We set our goals for them and they surpassed them. I know, but I am going to miss them .
Maur we will see some more than others but for school breaks they can still come home back to the mansion or to one of our homes.  They know we all truly cared for them. Maura what you and Jane did its beautiful.  I didn't have anyone like that. You two and everybody made it easier for each one.  They feel loved and safe. This is huge . Thanks Lisa.  Maura I am only speaking the truth.  It just June.  They won't be leaving until July or August.  Some will probably go to their apartments to set them up with some of adults and their friends. I did tell Scott that when we fly to Italy or John flies here we could bring some of his friends or other foster teenagers.  The individual social workers already approved it . They just need to know when and what adult will oversee them when they are in Italy or wherever in California .  I am just being over dramatic. It's okay babe. Thanks you two.

Maura hugged and kissed us both than we went back to watching Netflix and eating our Greek food we had delivered by Uber for dinner.

THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT YOUR MIND ISTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon