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Maur and Lisa I was so proud of James and how he did in his testimony. Same with me babe. Me too.  By the way Roger did well and even fixed their dishwasher which wasn't part of the assignment. I forwarded both videos to his instructor and the three were so happy he was able to do both. Juanita paid him nicely for fixing the dishwasher which he didn't want to take it. We said he did the work and deserved it. I am glad he was there. Lisa so were they especially with the dinner crowd coming in. The bus boy and gal would of have had to do alot by hand in hot water. I brought us some chips with salsa, tosadas with guacamole, rice and beans for dinner. I will get us some beers.

We ate in the dining room and just relaxed. No dishes had to be done.  The only thing was the trash had to be taken to the curb for garbage pick up tomorrow.  Jane took them all out to the curb in her truck with Lisa's help. They did this or two of us did as the gate didn't allow the truck driver to pick up anything up from the front of our home.  We decided to go for a walk afterwards with coats, beanies and gloves since it was cold.

Finally,I was home from school with James.

James look what Beth put in with my notes on my classes today for you.

Haha that is a good one

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Haha that is a good one. Text her and tell her I said that. She is coming over for study group for economics. You can tell her. We need to finish eating dinner than. 

Beth arrived before her other study group.

Beth that was funny what you put in her notes. I am glad you like it. You are right.  I am shallow and definitely wouldn't of dome that if she looked like the guy. Aye I am going to fitnes room.  Enjoy yourselves.

Lupe he is hot. I guess. Come on your not blind. Beth well he is but its not like that for me with him.  What if he wasn't your foster brother? Most definitely.

I over hear this and smile. I always liked Lupe but never did anything because she ia my foster sister and I didn't want to ruin that but asking her out for a date.

Sorry forgot my water. Your other peeps are walking up. Thanks James.

I enter the fitness room for the tenants here.

I finish my workout and return to the condo with my hoodie on

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I finish my workout and return to the condo with my hoodie on. Lupe looks up and smiles and introduces me to the other two students,Raphael and Jimmie.  I am polite and say nice meeting than headed off to my bedroom to get my clothes.

Does anyone have to use the restroom before I take a shower? James please use mine just in case someone had to use the hallway bathroom bur make sure you don't leave a mess. Okay Lupe I will and won't. He's hot .Jimmie!He is Lupe. See he agrees with me. Jimmie he is straight. Ah too bad..Who wants water or a soda? I will take a water too cool down.  Jimmie Jimmie he's straight.  Raphael even though your straight  .okay yes but that's it.

We all laugh and Lupe tells us to come and get the water or soda.
We continue to study.  Everyone leaves close to ten.

Babe let's get some sleep we all have early morning.

We had just finished having dessert in Jane and Maura's shower. We get in their bed abs kiss one another before going to sleep.

Lupe can we talk ?okay what's up? I overheard what you and Beth said about me. Oh! Lupe I always liked you but never wanted to mess up our foster sibling relationship.  James I am flattered but school is my number one priority.  Okay but if it ever changes, please let me know.  I love you. I love you too.

We both went to our bedrooms to try to sleep.   I decided to call Rony.

Rony I know it's late and all. It's okay sweetie.  What's up? James overheard me talking to Beth that the only reason I never went after him was because he was my foster sibling. He asked me tonight about it.I  told him I want to only focus on school and to be honest I am scared because I am still a Virgin. Lupe there is nothing wrong being a virgin. If you decide to take the next step as sex, please make sure you both get examined especially since he isn't a Virgin. Please don't tell anyone but Katelyn. I know it's not right to keep a secret from your wife. Thank you Lupe.  If you want to discuss this further, Katelyn and I are open to discuss this. Thank you. Night Rony.  Love you. The same for you sweetheart.

Rony is she okay? Yeah she and James like one another. I see. She doesn't want anyone else to know about it except for us. Most definitely.  She still is a Virginia which is good. I agree.  Let's get to bed. By the way thank you for my blow job. Your welcome.

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