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What a sunrise over the water it is. Yes it is Scott the news took a pretty picture. Yeah they did Lisa. Scott don't hesitate to call anyone on Italy if you need immediate help or guidance. We will fly out here if it's needed. Thanks Maura. Jenna and Deb will get you situated tomorrow. I will drive Marc so I can say by to everyone else. Use your cell to get back here. I will Jane.

We leave his condo and we all drive to the airport.
Marc I am going to miss you bro. I am too but just a call away on FaceTime or email me at my Gmail account. You will do well Scott. Marc listen to the teens and the other staff including all the volunteers. They are there to help you. I know.

We arrive at the airport and the Shuttle busses are there along with Jenna,Deb, Joy and John .

Scott hugs everyone except Joy, John, Jenna and Deb. We all tell him we will miss him . Several of the teens cry along with my wife Maur. We wave goodbye before we go through customs. Jane yells out that Lisa, Kiki and Avery are staying at Jenna and Deb's so go have breakfast there they are expecting you three.

Joy,John and I take off and I follow them to Jenna's home.
Maura will he be okay? Roger he has the support here and has gotten to know them. Yes he will be okay. You can always email him and he will respond when he gas a chance just like you will with anyone who emails you. May I sit up front to watch you fly the plane? After we eat before we take off yes you may.
The flight attendants had eggs, toast, juice bacon and coffee with bottled water for us to eat and drink.
Gloria did you really threaten the others in jail? Yes I did Jenna. I didn't want them to cause problems for Scott. Yeah she was so calm too. I represented them pro Bono so we could all see them. Auntie Gloria was so soft spoken that I didn't hear them. They are here now.

We arrive and we parked. Deb went to get the door. She invited them in.

Scott if you still not ready to stay on your own yet . Jenna and I can stay with you or you can stay here with us. You are close by here and your school isn't far either. I think I want to stay by myself tonight. I need to get use to it. I have my gun if needed and Jane went and bought me two cases of ammo yesterday with gun cleaner supplies too. I am good. If not I will call 911 immediately and call you two. Okay after breakfast we will go with you to the school to get you situated. I am excited my classes start Monday. I get to have two days to explore Italy. Joy and John are taking Mr site seeing. We will show you around the school and get your supplies and show you the better places to get gas from. Okay thanks.

We ate breakfast and we Avery and Kiki did the dishes so we could leave to get back to the winery abs the three of us could get had and my supplies for culinary school once I picked up my classes and room my photo identification. for my school ID.

This is so cool Jane and Maura. Jane I am kinda scared to start plumbing school and living on my own. Jason and Amanda are a phone call away. Rachel will be too. If you need others, we will drive to the city. Rachel might even stay with you or you stay there too. If you two want, you can move in together and we will rent out whom ever doesn't want to stay their condo. There is no judgement nor should you be embarrassed. May I get up to ask her ? Sure but close the door behind you. I will.

Rachel can we talk in private?Sure Roger. Let's move to the bedroom so we can talk.

Rachel and Roger go to her bedroom on board.

What's up Roger? I was wondering if you mind if I move in with you in your condo..I am scared to live in the city on my own. Yes yes..Mr too. I was afraid to tell them that. Jane will make arrangements with Jason and Amanda and let them know..Roger you know we will have duplicates on some things. Its okay. We can store them in the closets. I will fill better. We will have to come up with some ground rules on visitors or over night friends down the road . Your plumbing equipment is to stay in the garage. Okay not a problem. Why don't we both go back where we were sitting and make a list.

We both hugged one another and left to sir in our previous seats. I brought us three bottles of water.

How did it go Roger? She was afraid too. We will move in hee condo since it will be closer to her campus. No plumbing equipment inside only the garage. Now I have to write up rules for us and she is doing the same. We know we have duplicates on some items but those items can be stores in the closets just in case one of them breaks. Sounds like you two have a plan. Roger we are going to take a nap and the other pilots will be coming up here. I brought us all water. We can leave it for them. You can stay up here if you like. Yes I would like that. Okay. What are you two doing getting up with them not here. It's okay Roger. The plane is on auto pilot. They will be here shortly. See they are here now.
Roger brought us water, but we will live it for you two. He will still be up here. He is fascinated and maybe a pilot one day. I will pay for his license and will help him get his hours in too. Maura no thanks for now but maybe later.

The pilots got situated and we left to sleep. Lisa saw us and smiled. We told her we were going to sleep and she chuckled and said she would stay up front with the minors and young adults.

J before we take a nap, I am going to call Jason and William. So they can start to take Roger's truck to Rachel's garage transfer the insurance and truck registration to Rachels. I will speak with Amanda and ask her to update the alarm system like Scott's or similiar. After I call Frost to do James and Lupe too. Okay babe.

We made the necessary calls and thru said they were glad Roger spoke up and Rachel agreed too. Barry suggested we speak with James and Lupe top since they both will be living in Stockton. Maur went and asked them and they said yes if it wasn't an inconvenience. Maur told me she reassured them it wasn't and for them to come up with rules too that they could agree on. I hear my wife on the intercom system.
Everyone if you live in the same city or close to.another former foster youth and want to live together its okay. Just figure out the ruled and no one will have a problem. It will be a huge adjustment just the two people. If it doesn't work out after 6 months, a new rental would be found or a place on campus.

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