012 ━━ thanatophobia

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IONA DOESN'T complain as she watches Raven be dragged through the gloomy entrance of the basement. She shakes, tears slyly sliding down her face as she attempts to fights the guards- and for a short second, Iona respects her attempts at staying unphased, and she for sure respects the fight she has in her.

Iona steals a glance at Lexa, barely catching sight of her face, but if she had, she was sure she would find a shred of guilt and hesitation. It's a good thing Iona can't see her, she assumes.

Before long, Raven's being strung up to a tall post (one made primarily for this reason) by her hands, hanging slightly off the ground. Iona can barely hear her exhaled whimpers, but she can see the quivering of her lip; Raven's afraid.

Being afraid of death wasn't a new concept to Iona, but it's always been one she failed to understand.

As a self-proclaimed- and widely agreed with title of- grim reaper, Iona's always been on the other side. She's always been the person stealing lives and sending them off to meet their maker, and she can't remember the last time she's been afraid for her own life.

There's been plenty of times that she's feared for her sister's life, or Lexa's, and briefly her parents when she was younger, though she can't remember it now. However, the question still flashes across her mind: has she ever been scared for her life?

Within all of her years, she can't say she has.

She wonders what it's like.

"I take no joy in this, Raven."

Iona holds back her scoff. There it is. The emotions Lexa pretends she doesn't feel yet wears practically written across her forearms. At this point, Iona doubts there's even a point in trying to conceal them.

Lexa steps forward, approaching Raven, "But this time, justice will be done."

"I didn't do it," Raven breathes out quietly, "How is that justice?"

From the far corner of the plaza, Iona takes note of Kane holding back Bellamy when he tries to step forward, murmuring some words to him. He visibly flinches when Raven screeches, and Iona glances back to see Lexa cutting Raven's bicep.

Blood seeps from the wound, a deep crimson red that colors her blue shirt a dark shade of grey.

Indra then steps forward, blade in hand, and lifts up Raven's shirt. She maintains steady eye contact as she harshly grips her shoulder, making sure to cut deep when she traces the blade across her abdomen.

As the third commander, Iona's cut comes next- and her cuts are always the most gruesome. Her cuts leave deep scars that often ache long after they heal, courtesy of her steady hand and molded steel.

"I value my family," Iona murmurs as she approaches the crying girl, "and you and your people put my family in jeopardy. I consider this justice."

She unsheathes her katana, gripping onto the hilt with a firm hand, and twirls it between her hands. Flipping it upside down, she places the blade right above the waistband of Raven's pants, perfectly in line with her belly button, before steel meets skin.

Raven cries louder than she had previously; the burn of her katana sets in, her skin beginning to feel like diced vegetables, as the weapon leaves a deep gash from the bottom of her stomach, across her belly button, and ends right below her breasts.

Iona wipes the blood on Raven's clothes and admires her work with a blank expression, before twirling her katana back into the sheath.

As she turns, she meets eyes with several horrified Sky People- and above all else, Kane's expression stands out the most. The look of subtle acceptance, though laced with terror and guilt.

After a fourth and a fifth commander slices at Raven's skin, Clarke comes bursting through the basement door, demanding a bottle.

"Stop!" She yells across the plaza, her eyes trained on Lexa.

Lexa turns slowly, narrowing her eyes before nodding at her guards, "Let her pass."

Bellamy and Abby trail behind Clarke as she says, "One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa, not one of mine."

Indra steps forward, "You should have run."

For once, Iona seemed open to hear what they had to say. Regardless of their different tribes, one thing was most important to Iona above all else: family.

Lexa was family- and if one of her people made this assassination attempt, Iona would make them pay.

Trikru or not.

"I can prove it." Clarke reaches for the bottle Kane gifted to Lexa at the dinner and pops the lid off, taking several long gulps.

After several moments without anything happening- no sign of poison- Lexa demands, "Explain."

"The poison wasn't in the bottle. It was in the cup," Clarke says confidently.

"A trick, Commander. Do not be fooled."

After a moment of contemplation, Bellamy's eyes narrow in thought. He stares at Gustus, "It was you. He tested the cup, he searched Raven."

"Gustus would never harm me," Lexa drawls.

Bellamy shook his head, "You weren't the target. The alliance was."

"We didn't do this and you know it."

Iona's hand is on her katana, but this time, it's for a different reason. This time, she's prepared to strike down one of her own men- a traitor.

"You've been accused, Gustus," Iona says darkly with narrowed eyes. "Your commander demands you speak true."

After a second, Gustus sighs, realizing there's no winning for him. "This alliance would've cost you your life, Heda. I could not let that happen."

So it was true. Bellamy had told the truth: one of their own had attempted to kill the commander.

Iona didn't hesitate.


yeahyeah cliffhanger ik but next chapter is a lot of girl boss iona and i didnt want this to be a super long chapter

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