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"This is one of our oldest experiments, has been steady without any sort of life support the last 16 years, fast, agile, strong but we have stronger, but their reflexes are one of the fastest," a woman in a white coat passed through with glass walls to see into every room holding an experiment.

Some men and women in suits and high end fashion followed her with clip boards. They looked into the rooms that held a twin size bed.

"Experiment 739 is what we call it," she motioned to the room they stopped at.

Lance sat on the floor with his back to the wall and he could see each person that stared at him like a prize. People wrote on their clipboards and agreed looking at him.

"How loyal are your tests?" A man asked. "I'm looking for high end security,"

"They're easy to train but the older experiments do tend to be more rebellious but with a little shock 739 will knock of any bad behaviors," the woman smirked pressing a button and lance whimpered holding onto the collar around his neck when it electrocuted him.

Suddenly there was a bang from another room and everyone looked on the other side across from lance where Lotor had a fist with blood on it. His pupils were slits as he snarled at the wealthy.

"Experiment 502, hes not for sale, one of our main projects and is not trainable for personal security, he is around the same age as 739 so there's a bit of emotional connection," the woman rolled her eyes.

"What about for 1 million?" A man smiled impressed by the height and build of the other experiment.

"He's in the red zone, meaning he's killed humans before, not for sale," she told him with a glare.

"5 million," he tried.

"No," she said firmly.

"1 million to keep shocking that one to get him pissed off," the man raised a brow smiling looking back at lance.

The woman looked at the winged boy and looked back at the other one who was glared darkly. He just had a recent accident killing a scientist. He needed to be punished.

So she electrocuted 739 and held the button down.

Lance whined and whimpered holding on his collar trying to get it off but finally choked out a cry.

"Stop stop stop!" Lance finally screamed as he tried to rip off the source.

"Enough!" Lotor punched the glass as blood smeared from the impact.

"Doctor enough!" He roared making everyone flinch.

"Ok ok we get it," one of the other wealthy women tsked nervously.

"I paid, I'm getting my moneys worth," the man watched amused.

"Don't ruin that thing so no one else can buy it!" Someone yelled annoyed.

The doctor finally released the button and lance hiccuped a sob. He used his wings to cover himself as he shook in fear and pain.

Lotor trembled in rage as he let out another animal like snarl before slamming his fist to the unbreakable glass again.

Lotor gasped sitting up from his bed hearing thunder clap outside. He spun towards the door expecting someone but there was no one. His jaw tightened but his chest heaved when he tried to catch his breath.

He got out of the bed with his knees feeling weak, going to his mirror only to see his eyes were yellow with his pupils dilated to slits. Lotor huffed a breath covering his eyes and tilting his head down in shame.

He still couldn't believe they escaped just before lance was almost sold. They dared to sell the experiments like they were just property. They were just property. But not him, not Allura, but lance. He was older but he was a side project.

Lotor felt anxiety trickle down his spine and went to go see if Allura was still with her friends. It was past midnight now. But as soon as he opened the door he could hear laughter and talking downstairs from all the humans that were still in their home.

He frowned a little with the company but as long as they were safe he couldn't stop her.

"Lance? Are You awake?" Lotor went across the hall and knocked on lances door.

He waited a moment for an answer but then the door opened to a very much half asleep Lance who barely opened his eyes and his hair was a mess.

"What?" Lance asked blinking confused.

"Were you sleeping?" Lotor asked.

"Yes, what?" Lance asked again just wanting to go to bed.

"Nevermind, sorry to disturb you," he pursed his lips and lance rubbed his eyes and noticed Lotor looking upset.

"Come on in big guy," lance opened the door more and went back in his room and to bed.

"Close the door though!" He called falling face first back to his bed as Lotor followed in timid almost.

"Talk," lance stated as Lotor sat on the foot of the bed.

"Just a bad dream," Lotor said quietly.

"I assumed, You can talk about it," he nodded rolling on his side.

"It was just the people that wanted to buy you, we were so helpless to do anything," Lotor covered his face with a sigh. "I can't believe after all that time they were selling our kind like pets,"

"We were numbers to them, it doesn't matter," lance told him tiredly.

"Lance they wanted to sell you," Lotor looked back at him.

"Duh, I was only worth something because I survived child years unlike majority of my batch, I'm good for offense," he shrugged as if it meant nothing to him.

"Listen lo, I know it was scary and horrible, you can be scared about it still, but it's in the past, I'm not going anywhere, neither is Allura and neither are you, now lay down cause your going to start pacing," lance patted the bed and scooted back.

"I can't sleep," Lotor shook his head.

"Lay down," lance told him again.

Lotor sighed laying on his side as his wings dragged on the floor and stretched out. Lance buried his face in the pillow and pulled his blanket above them both.

"I'm sorry you get nightmares because of that," lance mumbled into the pillow.

"It's no fun to watch people you care about get hurt while your stuck behind glass," Lotor sighed nodding.

"It's over now though, we're done," he looked out the window seeing the rain pouring.

"It doesn't feel like it," lance turned his head back at Lotor.

The bigger mutant felt guilt in his heart when he could see the bruises and the cuts across lances face from when he was attacked earlier. He reached out and touched the cut on the side of lances head.

He wasn't there to protect him. He never can protect him.

"You worry to much," lance touched his hand and held his fingers gently.

"I'm always going to worry about you," Lotor whispered.

"Your going to get wrinkles that way," he smiled with a small laugh.

"Don't make me worry then," Lotor smiled back softly.

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