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"Hey it's you," Lotor heard behind him as he and Allura were in the office of the new school, he turned around seeing the white haired teen from a few days ago.

"Lawrence or something right?" Shiro smirked.

"Lotor," he said flatly.

"Right, Where's your brother?" Shiro looked over and noticed Allura was filling out paperwork.

"Lance isn't my brother, and he's at home," Lotor crossed his arms annoyed.

"He's still family," Allura smacked his arm.

"Hi I'm Allura," she held her hand out for Shiro to shake with a bright smile.

"Wow you two look like twins," shiro blushed a little shaking her hand and Allura smirked at Lotor.

"We get that a lot but I'm older," Allura hummed happily.

"And Lance is adopted in our family, Lotors just a jerk about it," Allura sent him a dark glare that sent a shiver down Lotors spine for a moment.

"Which by the way, stop being a jerk!" She hit his arm again but hard enough to make Lotor flinch.

"Don't worry my little brother is adopted too and we're the same," shiro chuckled at them.

"What are your classes?" He asked and Allura handed the paper to him for shiro to look.

"We got algebra two together, and you both have chemistry first hour," shiro explained pointing at the papers.

"Thank you, would you mind showing us to our first class?" Allura asked biting her lip as she looked at shiro innocently.

"Yea it's on the other side of the school, I think hunk and pidge have it with you," shiro nodded and they all started to walk as shiro lead.

"So why is lance homeschooled out of the three of you?" Shiro asked curiously.

"He has terrible asthma so he can't leave the house to much," Allura said sadly. "We wish we could take him with,"

"Your parents talk to any doctors about the inhalers?" Shiro asked.

"Our parents leave for business trips a lot and we rather not risk it with them being gone, plus we move a lot," Allura smiled sweetly as Lotor looked around the school hanging in the back of the two.

"Where are you from?" Shiro raised an eye brow.

"The UK, but we've been in America for the summer, seems like we're staying for a while," she giggled brushing her dyed dark hair out of her face.

"That's amazing, to bad lance has to stay home, I'm sure the guys would love him," shiro smiled brightly.

"He's studying hard, barely can get him out of the house because of it," Allura giggled and Lotor rolled his eyes.


"I'm SO bored!" Lance laid on the ground of the living room.

"This is animal cruelty!" He yelled at no one.

"ALLURAAAAAAAA!!! LOTOOOOOOR!!" He screamed extending his limbs and sat up grumbling.

"This is ridiculous, how am I suppose to join you at school if no one will teach me anything at home?!" He got to his feet and went to his room, he grabbed a standing punching bag and dragged it to the living room for extra space.

"So we meet again Diablo," lance said quirking a brow, cracking his knuckles.

Lance got in a strong stance with his feet apart and fists up in defense. He swung a strong punch as the bag and hit it two more times. Lance continued to punch and kick in a firm stance until sweat ran down the side of his face.

"This is so stupid," he grunted punching the bag using his full body.

"It's been months," another punch.

"If I could I would go to school too!" He threw a back kick.

"But nooOoo," two more punches.

"Oh so exciting, I get to play with my buddy all day," lance panted and punched the bag hard enough to knock it down.

"I'm sorry, I could not find with my buddy," a machine in the kitchen next to lance said.

"No not fucking Alexa!" Lance snapped at it.

"I'm sorry, I-" "shush you robot! You titanium soulless machine!" He yelled at Alexa.

"Play titanic,"

"What the hell is titanic?!" Lance screeched with a high voice.

He turned seeing the tv was on now and was loading something in red words over a black screen.

He slowly walked over to the couch narrowing his eyes as he saw a movie start, slowly crawling on the couch, grabbing a pillow to hold in his arms on his lap with a curious expression on his tan face.

"What's so special about a boat?" He made a face at it, scrunching up his nose.


"I feel bad, it's been two schools and lance still is stuck at home," Allura bit her lip as they walked up a hill to their house on the outskirts of the town.

"He's like a dog except actually knows how to go to the bathroom on his own, mostly," Lotor quirked a brow at her as they got to the door and Allura unlocked the front. 

"Lance we're home!" Allura walked in as Lotor let out a sigh of relief being home again.

"Lance?" She smiled but saw the punching bag on the floor and saw lance on the couch with his back to them.

"Lance-" shh!" He held his hand up to her as he had big sad blue eyes full of tears that escaped down his face.

"What are you watching?" Allura leaned over confused.

"I don't know but it's sad!" He wailed burying his face in the pillow.

"I'll never let go jack..."

"He could've fit on the stupid door!" Lance sobbed with his hand extended to the tv.

"What is this?" Lotor glanced at them confused.

"Sad!" Lance threw his head back.

"Wait I want to watch it, start it over," Allura gasped jumping over to sit next to him.

"Wha- no! I'm almost done! I am almost done and not starting it over," lance glared at her but Lotor walked over and sat on another chair.

"I'll watch, start it over," Lotor had a glass of water.

"No!" Lance screamed.


"He does land scapes, just relax your face,"

"No laughing,"

"Awww," Allura cooed holding Lances pillow from before as the youngest was laying his legs across her lap, bored as the other two were completely engaged in the movie.

"This is what women find romantic? Drawing them naked," Lotor said unamused.

"Why you asking me?" Lance shot a look at him.

"You saw the movie," Lotor frowned.

"I didn't get to finish the movie!" Lance cried out.

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