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The cool February chill blew through the trees, landing on frail shoulders sending goosebumps to her neck. Her worn boots crunching the dirty ice on the pavement. Walking to school was the worst. Not because of the cold, that just added to the pain. It was because she lived so far. Meaning she had to go through both parts of town.

The poor side of town, pretty much left her alone. On occasion she heard few catcalls. But she just kept her head down.

It was the rich side of town that she dreaded. The snobby rich girls who laughed at her outfit, and tripped her. Oh but the boys weren't any better. The boys would come up behind her and play her hair or roam their hands a little too much. Which would usually end up with her in tears, which would usually dry due to the icy chill in the air.

A long exhale left her chest as she finally reached the high school.

She had no friends. Maybe thats an overstatement. She had some friends, none of which actually liked her though. They were all from partnered projects and table groups. So maybe she would call them acquaintances.

Her mind wandered from subject to subject. Her mom had always said she was dreamer.

She looked up at the clock in the center of the walkway. Right above the lockers.

7:25 pm

Five minutes to get to class.

She really didn't want to fight with any teacher today, so she decided to be there on time.

She sat right in the dead center of the room

Her mind wandered once more

homework, and cars, and cherry coke, and..


Right before the bell had rung, she laid eyes on someone she hadn't seen in a while.

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