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They arrived at the house, barely able to make it up to the steps.

She took in the petite and shabby house, scanning all the crevices and soaking up the details. 

She was about to knock, when she heard a groan. 

"Just open the damn door" the brunette groaned in pain. 

She hurried inside.

There, she saw four men inside of the house. 

The tallest one, who looked the most intimidating ambled to his side, a concerned look crossing his face. 

"Ponyboy! Dammit what happend to you?" "And johnny, I- come sit"

She was the first to introduce herself trying not to sound like a complete and utter mess. 

"Hi. I-i'm Aurora. I found them South of the fountain park, it looks like they were at the wrong place at the wrong time". 

The tall boy looked up at her. Maybe not "boy". But he still looked young, so young man?

He seemed to have just noticed her in the mist of all chaos. 

"Aurora. I can't thank you enough. Please stay for dinner." 

"Oh i-i." She was about reject, given she had just met the boys, but then she realized that she probably would have nothing else to do. Her brother was probably in whatever bar he was in, drinking and shacking up with women who he barely knew. 

Her parents probably still at work, or dinner, or whatever they did. 

So instead she said "Okay."

She stood there awkwardly and the tall young man and another boy who looked about two or three years younger began to patch up both of them. 

"I'm Darrel, by the way. But people call me Darry. It's nice to meet you, Aurora."

The other boy spoke up "I'm Sodapop, it's nice to meet ya'. He grinned, showing off his perfectly straight teeth. 

She gave an awkward smile, and turned her attention to the boys on the couch. 

Once he noticed she was staring, he started to grin like a maniac. "I'm Two-Bit, say, what were you doing on the south side anyways? You some big time Soc?"

She wasn't going to tell him that she was well off, it might change their out look on her. And from only a few minutes of knowing them, she could tell they  were genuine. 

"I was taking a walk, ended up on the other side of town." She stated. 

Another boy chimed in, "Man, im starvin' can we eat now?"

"Your forgetting the guest of honor, the one who's always late, Steve"

Steve, that was his name.

Guest of honor? Who else was coming?

But then the door flew open, and the smell of smoke and liquor hit her nose.

She looked up and..

You've got to be fucking kidding me. 

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