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The black dress clung to her body.

One night, it would only be one night he said. One night and she would never have to do this again.

One damn night

She layered the makeup on her face. The ruby lipstick making her look so much older than 17.

She stopped.

Looking at herself in the mirror she broke.

What was she doing? A prostitute for the night to get the money for his bail.

What was he doing to her?

"Pull your self together dammit" she growled turning away from the mirror.


She arrived at the bar where she thought would have the biggest spenders.

The bar had bedrooms upstairs, so she could get this over with as fast as she could.

Scanning the room, she eyed a potential customer.

"Okay it's now or never" She took a deep breath and strutted over to him.

Do it for him. God, do it for him.

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